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10 Things To Do Before You Die.

Ok, mine are (in no particular order):

10. Visit every major city in Italy.
9. Say "I do" to the man of my dreams.
8. Spend three straight days in bed with said man.
7. Visit at least 5 other countries (Italy not included).
6. Be the maid of honor at my sister's wedding.
5. Publish a best selling novel.
4. Get my MFA.
3. Work at a job I love.
2. Own one single outrageously expensive piece of jewelry.
1. Find answers to the many "why?"s of my life.
In no particular order.

- Visit All of Japan
- Marry a Woman that makes me happy
- Spend an extended Honeymoon with said Woman
- Earn a masters degree in English
- Win the lottery
- Own my own home
- Catch up on my anime
- Give back to my local music program
- Create something for people to remember me by
- Have a threesome with Japanese Twins.

That last one is kind of optional, though. ;)
S. SaDiablo said:
Ok, mine are (in no particular order):

10. Visit every major city in Italy.
9. Say "I do" to the man of my dreams.
8. Spend three straight days in bed with said man.
7. Visit at least 5 other countries (Italy not included).
6. Be the maid of honor at my sister's wedding.
5. Publish a best selling novel.
4. Get my MFA.
3. Work at a job I love.
2. Own one single outrageously expensive piece of jewelry.
1. Find answers to the many "why?"s of my life.

Oh! I have a Number 11, too!

11. See all the live Cirque Du Soleil performances.
10.provide a home for many children who have no home
9. Obtain my dream car.
8. Drive a rally car
7. Compose a musical
6. Got to Egypt and Greece
5. Have my own auto shop
4. Completely restore an old car by myself
3. Take my parent's on an exotic vacation on my own money (they never had a honeymoon!)
2. Learn to sing opera
1. Learn as many foreign languages I can.
1. Father Rhiannon's next child.
2. Father Rhiannon's next child.
3. Father Rhiannon's next child.
4. Father Rhiannon's next child.
5. Father Rhiannon's next child.
6. Father Rhiannon's next child.
7. Father Rhiannon's next child.
8. Father Rhiannon's next child.
9. Father Rhiannon's next child.
10. Father Rhiannon's next child.
Dammit! Now I have a Number 12, too...

I'm so with ya on learning the many languages, Lilith. At the very least, I want to speak Italian fluently.
S. SaDiablo said:
Dammit! Now I have a Number 12, too...

I'm so with ya on learning the many languages, Lilith. At the very least, I want to speak Italian fluently.
OMG, italian is at the top of my list! :)
Lilith said:
Keeks, it ain't never going to happen hun :/
A man can dream, can't he?

Lilith said:
OMG, italian is at the top of my list! :)

I had 3 years of Italian in high school...but I forgot most of it (that's what happens when you don't use it). But when I knew it, I could hold a pretty decent conversation. I'm working on that one currently...will be taking more courses in the fall.
I took 2 of Spanish. DOn't remember most of it. I wanted to take Italian, but living so close to Mexico, parents told me I should take Spanish.

I can't say I disagree with that one.
i have 6 languages.. some of them more forgotten than others though.

Swedish, English, Finnish, German, French and Italian.
Hmmm, 10 things? But I can only think of one...
1) Have a harem

All well, that'll have to do
Yuri said:
^ How the hell could you tell from just that?!
With a name like Yuri, and a word such as harem, I put two and two together. ;)

Now are we talking a Tenchi type of harem, Love Hina...... ;)