Jewdog fucks his ass with a Torah handle repeatedly before breakfast, then LIKEM's the shit smeared handle.
Now there was THE most clever use of the word yet :bigass:
Man, someone in this thread is Jack owned and operated...can you guess who? (Hint: his fur smells like cum encrusted shit )
Oh noes he replied to a post on a message board! Totally obsessed! I guess every one here is a dancer. Except're a tiny dancer.That's truly pitiful.
Christ, I own you. :bigass:
(Watch him reply to this post, thus proving what a dancer he is...)
His bloated sense of self importance is rather amusing, I must admit :bigass:
Oh noes he replied to a post on a message board! Totally obsessed! I guess every one here is a dancer. Except're a tiny dancer.
*queef*STFU jack dual.