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A Geek quiz

I'm not even close. I scored 18 and I'm in the last century -- or with the majority of people.

I am not geek worthy, I am not geek worthy, I am not geek worthy. But that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Damn. I scored a 29. Apparently I am stuck in the last century. Pfft. You mean to tell me ENKEPHALEN and I have something in common? I knew something would happen to ruin my Friday.
Your score is 72

61 to 102: Seriously Nerdy

I guess something about building your own computers with nice accessories and missing good books and movies makes you geeky.
SaintLucifer said:
Damn. I scored a 29. Apparently I am stuck in the last century. Pfft. You mean to tell me ENKEPHALEN and I have something in common? I knew something would happen to ruin my Friday.

You're the one suffering from a mental disorder Luci. I am at least mentally stable.

And I believe we who are members here all have something in common with one another. We did, after all, pick TK to join. You may be surprised at our commonalities.
Enkephalen said:
You're the one suffering from a mental disorder Luci. I am at least mentally stable.

And I believe we who are members here all have something in common with one another. We did, after all, pick TK to join. You may be surprised at our commonalities.

Blugh, blugh, blugh, blugh
SaintLucifer said:
Blugh, blugh, blugh, blugh

*sigh* Luci pay attention: It's blah, blah, blah! Not blugh, blugh, blugh -- unless that's how they pronounce it in Canada. In which case, sorry but you guys sound funny, like when you say out, about and house. Then you say oot, and aboot and hoose. See what I mean? You sound funny.
Enkephalen said:
*sigh* Luci pay attention: It's blah, blah, blah! Not blugh, blugh, blugh -- unless that's how they pronounce it in Canada. In which case, sorry but you guys sound funny, like when you say out, about and house. Then you say oot, and aboot and hoose. See what I mean? You sound funny.

I would ask you to do something for me. Take your finger and force your lips into fishlips, then cause those lips to flap using your finger whilst making a sound from your throat. This is the international gesture for 'crazy'. The sounds you would make would not be 'blah, blah, blah' but 'blugh, blugh, blugh' you stupid fuck. We Canadians do not say 'oot', 'aboot' and 'hoose'. That is a myth. We do not sound any different from you Americans with the exception of sounding much more intelligent since we are.

Your score is 87
61 to 102: Seriously Nerdy

Click here to compare your score to others.

0 to 29: Stuck in the Last Century
30 to 60: Heading to Geekdom
61 and up: Seriously Nerdy