whisky Boobie inspector Jan 6, 2006 #2 what sucks is when you get a t shirt of beavis and butthead and they have to replace the ac/dc brand because of rights issues
what sucks is when you get a t shirt of beavis and butthead and they have to replace the ac/dc brand because of rights issues
johnford Fuck me silly Jan 6, 2006 #3 Really! I would of thought that would of been good promotion for the band.
whisky Boobie inspector Jan 6, 2006 #4 metalica too, someone else has exclusive t shirts rights for both bands, they always use fake names.
johnford Fuck me silly Jan 6, 2006 #5 That sucks. Metallica's always bitching and whinning about something...downloading music...now that.
whisky Boobie inspector Jan 6, 2006 #6 Actually this came first, as I have tshirts of beavis and butthead that predate the internet, or at least music downloads
Actually this came first, as I have tshirts of beavis and butthead that predate the internet, or at least music downloads
johnford Fuck me silly Jan 6, 2006 #7 either way what a bunch of whine babies....I say that kindly too...since I still like their music.