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Aging Parents--How Sad


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
When I got into work today my dad asked me to get him directions from his home to the home of one of his best friends and closest golfing buddies. I asked my dad how his friend was doing as I knew he had been struggling with cancer and recently took a turn for the worse. With tears in his eyes my dad said, "This is the last hoorah." Apparently my dad's friend's wife had called my mother early this morning and informed her that John (my dad's friend) had been released from hospice and sent home to die in the comfort of his own home. My dad went on to tell me that John's wife had asked him to come by today as she did not expect John to make it through the night. John's wife also asked my dad to take care of selling their golf cart, paying their golf cart parking fees and a gift, John wanted my dad to have his golf clubs.

My poor dad, he lost his only brother to liver cancer 11 years ago, he lost his only sister to bone cancer last year and now his best friend. It's got to be so hard getting old, being healthy and seeing your friends and family die.

Mr. Deale, as I always called him even though I'm 32 years old, is a wonderful man, say a prayer if you don't mind. Hug your parents, grandparents, and elderly or aging family members if you have them, take this time to remember them if you don't.

God bless you Mr. Deale.
You two should get a cheap motel room with really clean sheets, just once.
That was a sweet tribute, LG.

My grandparents have mentioned how lonely it is, outliving other friends their age, being the only ones of their old "group" left. I'm only 42, but I've noticed that losses increase as we get older. I guess it's something we all have to get used to some day.
You dont get used to it, but there does come a point when theres hardly anyone left to die.
Laker_Girl said:
^He's not dead yet but thank you for the sentiment.

Is he dead now??:shock:

Just kidding.:) Yes, that is sad & it must be hard to deal with. My grandma lost her husband when she was just in her late 50's. Now in her late 80's, she has lost most of her best friends too. Of course she has 6 kids & a slew of grandchildren & several great grandchildren, so it's not like she's all alone. Still, i think when you outlive all those closest to your own generation (age group) it can be very lonely in a way.
May Mr. Deale rest in comfort as the days go by.

Sending prayers for his family and for yours as it
will be difficult when Mr. Deale's time on earth is over.
Well, Mr. Deale has not passed yet. My dad went to visit him the other night and my dad reports that Mr. Deale looks terrible. He stands 6' tall and can't weight more than 120lbs. I'll keep you updated.
^^That really sucks, K. I just got back from a lunch meeting (yes, it was a 2 1/2 hour meeting!) I'll call you as soon as I can!!