I'd titfuck her into a coma.
Student leaves UCLA following racist YouTube rant
Published: Saturday, March 19, 2011
The UCLA student behind the video below announced in a statement to The Daily Bruin that she will be leaving the school immediately.
Here is here statement:
"In an attempt to produce a humorous YouTube video, I have offended the UCLA community and the entire Asian culture," Wallace writes in her apology letter. "I am truly sorry for the hurtful words I said and the pain it caused to anyone who watched the video. Especially in the wake of the ongoing disaster in Japan, I would do anything to take back my insensitive words
Take a look at all the response videos that asian community at UCLA posted about her afterwards :twisted:
She's decided to flee..
I'll bet her friends at home are all laughing their asses off high-fiveing the hell out of her right now!!
SHE'S RACIST!!! Oh, right, forgot -- it's only racist if a white chick does it.
What are you opinoins on this Lucy?
On what? I never watched the damn thing. You would I should? I thought my opinion did not matter to you? Please, make up your mind.
Seeing that some woman in the same mindset as yourself, got totally PWNED by the entire Asian community at U.C.L.A., I figured you might have something to say in her behalf!
only the fat ones