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Alternate Universe Under the Bed


Forever Empress E
Okay - last Thursday, in the wee hours of the morning, Misrabelle the Cat woke me up. Actually, she freaked me out a bit as she was sitting on my chest and growling into my face. What she was doing in my room, I don't know. Anyway, I checked her out to see what her problem was - she has an ear infection in both ears. So, when I got to work later, I emailed my daughter (who works an early shift) and told her she needed to take care of her cat's ears when she got home.

Thursday night, when I got home, I went looking for Misrabelle to see how she was doing and found her under my daughter's bed. As she was the only thing under the bed, she was easy enough to see with a flashlight. That I am old and had to get down on the floor to look under the bed was not so easy.

Anyway, Misrabelle didn't show up for breakfast Friday morning. She didn't show up for afterwork feast either. So, the kid, her husband and I went in search of Ms. Belle - in the cabinets, closets, under beds, in bookcases, in windows behind curtains, in boxes, in the furniture, the kennel and everywhere else. We didn't find her anywhere. First I worried that she got outside and something bad happened to her - a coyote killed one of our cats back last May. Then I was worried she was sicker than I thought and had died somewhere in the house - and we'd find her when she was getting ripe. Ewww. She didn't turn up Saturday - and we did another thorough search. We searched again for her Sunday - still no trace.

Monday my daughter was off work. That afternoon she was sitting on her bed watching TV when all of a sudden her little chihauha dog jumped off the bed and started growling at something underneath it. My daughter, naturally, looked to see what was causing her Gabby critter such a problem. There was Misrabelle, sitting under the bed, where I'd last seen her the Thursday before.

We have decided there is an alternate universe up under my daughter's bed.
That is mean dual.
Cats are strange.
They always hide like that-and you never can seem to find them.
I just open a can of cat food to get my cat running.
Aww, Dual wasn't being mean. I'm a relatively adventurous soul. If there was an alternate universe up under there, I'd be crawling into it.

Usually Belle comes for food - especially wet food - but she didn't come out for 3 days. She is still trying to stay away from the other animals most of the time. She probably has a headache from the earache, maybe a sinus infection too. We've been treating her ears and they look very good today. If she is still acting weird this weekend we'll take her to the vet.
Poor kitty. Did you get her to the vet for the ear infection? Always handy to keep the ear stuff from the vet in the fridge. Animals seem to always get sick or injured on Saturday, late in the evening.

I do believe they made a movie about the alternate universe under beds, but I can't remember what it was called. If you move the bed, the universe moves with it. Normally, I only find alternate universes in my refrigerator when I let something stay a little too long. Then they organize into a community, form marching bands and start fume wars. Not everything is rotten in Denmark.
Is she eating now, eloisel? If a cat goes for more than 3 days without eating, they're at risk for developing hepatic lipidosis, which can cause liver failure. Hope she's feeling better.
Belle perked up pretty good - she must have heard me thinking on taking her to the vet! She's eating very well and cleaning herself up. She came and sat in my lap the other night and then curled up and slept with me. Her ears look pretty good too. I think some of her issues are related to the loss of one of our cats - her son with whom she was very close. George was killed by coyotes back in May. Apparently George was quite the tomcat and left a couple of progeny behind that look very much like him. Belle was talking with them through the window before she got sick and took to hiding. I think part of her problem is she is missing George.
If you named me Misrabelle I would be sitting on your chest and growling too! Glad to hear she is doing better though. It's amazing how when a cat doesn't want to be found, they won't be found. When I first moved into my new house I couldn't find one of my cats for almost a week. Thought she got outside and then one day I was sitting on the couch and I heard a meow. Looked under the couch (which I had looked under many times) and saw her tail sticking out. She had clawed through the underside of the couch and actually made her way up into the couch. You should check your daughters bed, your cat may have done the same thing with the box spring.
Belle has a few names. It says Annabelle on her tags but she prefers to be called Belle and Meow. She was a rescue kitty someone didn't want because she has problems with her eyes and ears frequently. When she is sick, she's Misrabelle. She is also one of those female cats that is forever in heat but, as she tends to be anemic, we haven't been able to get her spayed. As all the males are neutered and she can't get out to cat around, she is frequently Broke Belle, which is a description of how she looks walking around with her rear end up in the air and her belly dragging the ground. She also hates one of the dogs and when she is in a bad mood she picks a fight with her. During that time she is Bitch Belle. Because she is a moody cat, she also has times when she cuddles and loves all over the humans in the house. We call her Lover Belle then. In other words, she is Schizo Belle, a true cat, and we love her.
^Awwww! I'm glad to hear she's doing better. Any idea what's causing the anemia? Aren't there some supplements or special food you can give her to fix that? She should calm down a bit once she's spayed.

Our cats all have nicknames, too. Rockefeller is often Rockefucker. Griswold is my sweet Grizzly Bear, but when he doesn't clean his coat well enough he's also GreaseBall. The others... well, I won't bore you with the list, LOL.
We doctor all of them regularly - worm pills, ear mite meds, flea drops, eye wash - plus give them all dietary supplements and cranberry pills and keep them on a urinary tract support special diet. The animals we have left are all rescue critters we couldn't find homes for as they have "defects" - curly tails, health problems, old, odd shaped. I'm out of pet rescue now as I've got 4 dogs and 5 cats, which is plenty to handle. I've got a 2500 sq. ft. house, a 1/2 acre fenced in back yard, and a pretty good sized kennel. Where are all of these critters? Laying around the floor at my feet. They follow me around as I move from room to room too. I need to hook up a webcam so I can see what they do during the day when I'm not here.