Troll Kingdom

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Am I being followed?

So, if Jesus was a lizard, he'd have been a Raptor? I know it was difficult growing up in my family with my brother who was captain of the football team, but could you imagine if Jesus was your brother?

Imagine your parents...."Why can't you be more like your brother?"

imagine your response "BECAUSE HE'S THE MESSIAH"
Actually, Raptor Jesus is the patron saint of trolls and flamers. He's a little-known internet meme like O RLY owl but his power seems to persist in protecting teh n00bs....
Im a member of the Council of the Edacious Souls myself, despite the recent loss of fifty said pounds.
jack said:
Im a member of the Council of the Edacious Souls myself, despite the recent loss of fifty said pounds.

Just because you tossed your wife into Niagara Falls does not mea n you 'lost' fifty pounds.