Unluckiest Charm in the Box
My Sister in Law showed this to me, and I really got a good laugh from it. I thought I'd share it with you all as well
Click here to read the rest: Husbands Penis is too big! - Womens' Health - Everyday
Husbands Penis is too Big!
My issues are two fold and kind of odd and embarrassing ,but here it goes. My husband has a freakishly large penis (10+ inches flaccid and 16+ when erect and very thick)and we are always having issues. When he is in clothes, I can always see his penis through his pants and I am obsessively jealous with the fact that I know other people see it as well. It causes big fights all the time. The other issue is that after intercourse (when the adrenaline wears off), very often I am in so much pain it brings tears to my eyes. I love my husband very much, but Im at a loss. Can you help?
Reply Reply From: heinze57 To: ALL Posted: Oct-13 03:21 AM (2 of 6)
In reply to this post don't know if this will help or not, my former boy frind had a lg penis too, it would hurt when we made love, I talked to him and asked if he wouldn't put it in all the way cause it was causing discomfort fer me, he agreed and it was real good after that, you can try that and soo if it works and the other thing is before he puts it in, I'm not sure how to decribe it but the two pieces of skin that hanges in front of the vigina, kind ok looks like two balls thats been deflated, take a hold of them and move the out of the way, it may sound gross like clearing the path way fer the tree.I don't mean to affend you in anyway, but what do you expect from a hill--billy, just thought I'd give you my two cents worth. about seeing his penis through his pants, try having him wear black undergarments or what ever he wears, they are harder to see through, have a good day. heinzes57
Click here to read the rest: Husbands Penis is too big! - Womens' Health - Everyday