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And so it starts! President Rudy?

Lieberman is like a constipated Yoda. He needs to sit down and shut up.

McCain looks shifty.

Giuliani would never be able to work with a cabinet, or congressional leaders. It's his way or the highway. Which is the quickest way for a president to end up a lame duck by his 101st day.
Lieberman happens to be the most POWERFUL member of the Senate, currently.
Which drives me nuts. Everyone has to kiss his ass to get a bill passed. And he's just gonna eat it up with a knife and fork.

I predict rumors of a sex scandal for him within two years. Just because they'll be tired of the sound of his "independent" voice.
Lieberman's wife is hot.

My response to this thread was going to be "Fuck Giuilani."

Then I scrolled down and saw that and I actually realised I would rather fuck Giuliani than that.

Now if you will excuse me I have made myself violently sick.
I would definitely vote Guiliani in 2008. This from a registered Democrat.

My dream ticket? Guiliani/McCain.
Rudy running for President will be like all those Republicans that lost this month.

"Vote for us, we'll be just like Democrats, in fact, we can't give you one reason to vote for us imitation Democrats when you can vote for the real thing!"

Rudy was great for NYC, not so great on a national level. I don't see him making it beyond the first primaries, someone else will come along.
