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Another Incompetent Agency


New member
OIG.......they want your help becaue they cannot do the job. You help, they stick their fucking heads way up their asses.

House Energy & Commerce SubCommittees on Oversight and Investigations. I am going to get the word out.........I the medical community.
Yeah..............Baby Boomers, 80 million strong, the first group of them now facing Medicare, recipients of a system that has malfunctioned. 1/5 of the worlds wealth is in their hands.........they are a power to be dealt with. I have a story for them, a compelling story about how their (the baby boomers who are the biggest contributors to this fund) money is being pissed away.

I look forward to the next workshop. That is where I start.
I can only hope the person I contacted at the OIG's office at the beginning of the year gave the info to the OIG herself. Otherwise, she is in for a BIG surprize.

What amazes me is these assholes didn't even give me the courtesy of a reply. them, do their job, if there is a problem. Tough.
My recommendation to everyone will be to have the OIG's office to cease and desist soliciting the healthcare community in some of their endeavors. Do it your fucking self, that is what you get paid for.
Unlike me...........I knew exactly what I was doing.........a lot of people wouldn't know what they are getting into when dealing with "certain" aspects of HICFA's programs.

What's wrong TQ............something bothering you?? surely it isn't something that $200,000-$250,000 wouldn't take care of.
The Question said:

Tell that foreign-sounding idiot at the OIG's office he better cover his ass while he can. I hope he didn't try to handle this on his own.

He won't be able to keep it on the Down Low.
These agencies aren't so smart. Maybe it's just me, or maybe it's just that I am used to working in the private sector. We axe questions, lots of them. We absorb as much information about "stuff" as our brains take this in and process the data.

Where there is smoke, there is usually a fire.


Keep It Simple Stupid
Maybe they are smarter than the rest of us. They already have all the answers, know all the right people to axe the questions to get the right answers.
I have only been yapping about this for a year now. Ain't nobody listening to me..............I think I will start talking in eubonics. Maybe I should start wearing a burka.
The Question said:

Damn. She has you losing it. You are flipping out over FBI007?? You cannot be serious or are you?? She can affect you in this manner yet you do not realise you look the fool now?? Watch the blood pressure dear child.
^^ don't exactly look like an angel. Illegal weapons?? counterfieting??? where did you get the machine??

You have any pot for sale?? I could use a good buzz right now.
Let's Kick it Up a Notch or Two........ guys ready for the next phase of torture?? You can never say I haven't been fair about this whole thing............I have walked you all the way through it.

I am getting ready to start recruiting the Grey Panthers!!!!!!

JillianBacardi turns up the HEAT.

wait until I start telling Medicare receipients what is really happening with their prescription drug coverage money.

*Jillian adjusts the heat*
wait till I tell them DarthSikle took $250K of their money and blew it on a bunch of strippers in one night, they invaded TK~~the admins made them a forum and everything!!!!!!!! then when they figured out DarthSikle was all tapped out and not the millionaire he told them he is.......they split!!!!!!!!!

damn strippers........I could have had some fun with them. Till The Question got me kicked off their board cause he said I was under the age of 18.
I had to cancel the Grey Panthers rally after my house sold unexpectedly and now I have to move quickly. I told them when I get settled in, I will reorganize and probably have an even larger base to work with since I will be in a city 10 times bigger than this one.

Watch me whip them into a frenzy!!!!!!!!!!