Their service is only good sometimes. I've never had any good experiences with Verizon. FIOS is a very fast internet connection, but cable in my area offers A LOT faster connections. Not only that, but if you own an HDTV, FIOS only offers a limited amount of HD channels, and for an extra fee at that. Next is where the real problem hits. FIOS is only offered if you take a TWO year contract. Meaning, if you don't like the service, they get to charge you several hundred dollars just to disconnect it. If you're willing to put up with the two year contract, the limited HD channels, and the limited availability, this last one might turn you off for good. Verizon never uses in-country tech support until you get to a tier three problem. That means, you have to call and call and call until you get to talk to someone who speaks enough intelligible english to transfer you to their boss, who will transfer you to their boss, and finally you'll get someone who will call you back during business hours (wherever the hell they are in the US) on weekdays, normally when you're at work.
Two years ago when I tried getting DSL from them, I had to make phone calls for three weeks to get the problem resolved. All the time, they were billing me for services rendered. Finally, after all that trouble, I had to deal with another set of non-english speaking third country nationals to get my billing issues worked out. Yet another two days of phone calls. If it weren't for the fact that I could ONLY get internet from them at the time, I would have cancelled their service immediately and never paid them a cent.
My opinion, Verizon is only really OK for using a phone. Even then their 3g coverage is crap. What do you mean I can't make calls and surf the web at the same time!? Ugh!