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Are you doing anything charitable over the holidays?


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
I'll be doing my usual charitable giving. Picking a name off the giving tree at church, donating instant mashed potatos for Second Harvest, helping to prepare the Thanksgiving Feast my church offers to the community and the like. Same thing over Christmas but this year I've decided to kick it up a knotch.

I thought it was about time my niece (age 6) and nephew (age 8 ) learned more about giving than receiving this year. Rather than going all Mommy Dearest on them I think I've thought of a really great start to a lifetime of giving back for my precious babies.

Toys 'R' Us is doing the Toy For Tots Toy Drive this year and for every toy you donate they donate the same toy. So one weekend early in December I'm going to have my niece and nephew come over and do a whole Saturday's worth of chores around the house. Help clean the patio, help sort the laundry, dust, help decorate for Christmas, etc. I will pay them $5.00 an hour each at a minimum of five hours (seems like a long time but kids take forever to do even the simplest of chores). On Sunday after they get home from church I will take them to Toys 'R' Us and they will spend every single penny that they made on a toy or a few toys for the Toy Drive and I will pay the tax.

Next year, when they're a little bit more mature I will have them pass out toys to sick children in the hospital and I might even start a classroom toy drive at their school.

So what are you going to do?
I just had to give you positive karma. I am feeling charitable and there's no one out there that needs more help than a man who works as a busboy at Denny's and can barely scrape up an I.Q. of 50. So here's to you jack and thanks for keeping the table so shiny! :bigass:
LG, not directed at you personally, but why do people feel the need to tell everyone the charity work that they'll be doing? I mean, so what. I'm supposed to sigh and feel guilty because I don't give a shit about anyone else but me? Not likely. I'm just a selfish bitch that way, and could give a flying fuck what other people do with their time and money.
I only give money to the ones with the signs that said "Will spend money on alcohol."

At least they're honest.
Tisiphone said:
LG, not directed at you personally, but why do people feel the need to tell everyone the charity work that they'll be doing? I mean, so what. I'm supposed to sigh and feel guilty because I don't give a shit about anyone else but me? Not likely. I'm just a selfish bitch that way, and could give a flying fuck what other people do with their time and money.

I did it to maybe give people a good idea or inspire them. I wasn't tooting my own horn, promise.
My charitable gift will be to not annoy women between Thanksgiving and Christmas with unwanted advances on my part.

'Tis a gift to all womankind!! Rejoice!!
My family always has a big party at our hunting camp. We invite everyone, and I mean everyone we see in the woods, to bring their kids and we give out toys. Last year there were probably 100 people plus their kids. It's not exactly charity, although some of the people are poor, but it's lots of fun.
I always get charitable over the holidays. It's so hard to remember to be charitable every day of the year.
I put a buck in the salvation army pot in front of the liquor store.

We want our kid to have a new computer , we are going to go with a dual AMD64 , 2 gigs of ram, 250 gig hard drive and dvd burner with light scribe. He will love it.
Messenger said:
I always get charitable over the holidays. It's so hard to remember to be charitable every day of the year.


While I do give all year round I feel it's especially important to give more during the holidays, as do most Americans.

Who are you really? Bill Gates? Much as I might like to I can't afford to give every single day of the year, I have family and friends too, not to mention a mortgage.

Could you possibly be anymore liberal without actually having your heart burst and bleed all over the floor?
Oh boy!

Laker_Girl said:

While I do give all year round I feel it's especially important to give more during the holidays, as do most Americans.
OK.... ?

Who are you really? Bill Gates? Much as I might like to I can't afford to give every single day of the year, I have family and friends too, not to mention a mortgage.
Sorry... either I'm charitable all-year round, or not at all. I have no guilt on my shoulders, unlike yourself, a person who feels the need to be giving out of 'dis time of year.'

Could you possibly be anymore liberal without actually having your heart burst and bleed all over the floor?
Could you still act like an indignant White so terribly afraid of being called a racist? Be what you are, closet or not, you softie. Rich princess has something to say... queue the fellow terrified yuppie cracker male to defend her:
Messenger said:
Sorry... either I'm charitable all-year round, or not at all. I have no guilt on my shoulders, unlike yourself, a person who feels the need to be giving out of 'dis time of year.'

Wow, you really think you know me. Ya don't. ;)

I don't give out of guilt, if I never donated another dime or another minute I wouldn't feel guilty about anything. Most of my giving goes to my family and friends and if more people were like me there'd be a lot less need for social programs and homeless shelters.

Could you still act like an indignant White

My how terribly politically incorrect of you. I'm a "Swedish American"...At least to ignorant people like you. Oh and my skin tone is more tan than white.

so terribly afraid of being called a racist? Be what you are, closet or not, you softie.

You really are new. You, my friend, will be the very first person I call when I start giving a shit what anyone thinks of me ESPECIALLY anyone on TrollKingdom.

Rich princess has something to say... queue the fellow terrified yuppie cracker male to defend her:

I'm not rich nor am I a princess. More likely than not unless you yourself are a business owner or your parents are I know more about sacrifice and what it takes to keep your head above water than you ever will.

Got anything else?
DarthSikle said:
My charitable gift will be to not annoy women between Thanksgiving and Christmas with unwanted advances on my part.

'Tis a gift to all womankind!! Rejoice!!
Just so you'll know, we older women like a little flirtation.