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Are you religious?

I have faith. I don't have a religion.
Religion is the trapping for the masses. i believe in what i believe without a need for that.
Virginia said:
I have faith. I don't have a religion.
Religion is the trapping for the masses. i believe in what i believe without a need for that.

Do you believe in the existence of God? Do you have faith in him?
MessengerX said:

Do you believe in the existence of God? Do you have faith in him?

While I'm not religious, and not entirely certain about the value of faith, I am persuaded that there may be a "God", not by Christianity, but by the sheer number of people around the world who have faith in the Divine, and the commonalities in their respective dogmas.

When most people ask the question, "Are you religious", they're wanting to know about morality and behavior which precipitates from affiliation with a certain religion, not the chapter and verse of specific rituals and ideologies.

Morality is not a function of faith or religion, but of reason. One can be a moral person and have no connection to any denomination or sect.

It is a shortcoming of the obnoxiously devout to equate morality with church affiliation. It is a shortcoming of equal proportions that those who have a distaste for organized religion are dismissive or antagonistic toward those who've hinged their morality on faith in a "God".

Despite our assumptions of civility, there's still a war raging on about religion, and neither side can claim any sort of moral high ground. The devout will continue to rail on about the reprehensible state of morality while ignoring intrinsic mandates which forbid judgement and cast aspersions upon the faithful and faithless alike. The secularists will continue to rail on about the intolerance which is implicit in the philosophy of the believer while engaged, ironically, in acts of intolerance against those whose faith rubs them the wrong way.

Until such a time that: 1) Religious people figure out that having faith means accepting the possibility that there's no one answering the phone on the other end of their prayers, that faith in the concept that there's nothing transcendant is still faith which is valid, and 2) Secularists realize that the concept of tolerance isn't something that can be arbitrarily applied (particularly when it's withheld from those who declare faith in the transcendant and inexplicable), the question "Are you religous?" is going to be fodder for a fight.
MessengerX said:

Do you believe in the existence of God? Do you have faith in him?

Which one?

Besides, why does religion need to be centered around a God?
I'm paraphrasing Dogma here........It's better to have an idea than a belief, ideas are easier to change that beliefs....

I believe in a higher being, but I don't know if it's the christian god. Who knows which religion is right, hell the pagans could have it right and everyone else is wrong.
Did you know that one third of a population has some set of genes which make them more susceptible to divine belief?

I would like to be able to believe again. But I'm not into play acting. I would only be lying to myself and to those around me.
The way I see it is Religion is something made up by a mostly intelligent being not wanting to give into the fact that there’ nothing after death.

How could we just die there has to be something … <Insert Religious belief here>
Sargeras said:
I would like to believe again. But I'm not into play acting. I would only be lying to myself and to those around me.
Open your heart...I mean genuinely open your heart to the possibility of regaining your faith.

You never know Who might wander back in... ;)
Former United Methodist minister.

On the whole, I find organized religion useless best... a hinderance. It has its function in society as a normalizing agent, but is usually carried too far.

Spiritual is another matter.
^^ I'm with the hot chick on this one.

I believe in God but I'm not too clear on the rest of it. Except I'm pretty sure that God's big deal is, "don't be an asshole."
SilentBtViolent said:
^^ I'm with the hot chick on this one.

I believe in God but I'm not too clear on the rest of it. Except I'm pretty sure that God's big deal is, "don't be an asshole."

Thats about the closest to me as well.

I am pretty confident there is a god or gods. In the strictest meaning of the word. I'm a realist and that means that I have to accept that Intelligent Design is on the whole more than likley from my limited view of the universe. PErhaps not, but it semes that way, I don't really know, but I lean that way.

I also believe that good and bad are instinct and are not only taught.

We all know right and wrong, it's wether we choose to actually pay any attention to it that matters.

Live your life well, don't hurt other people and that is enough.

Christians piss me off for a number of reasons. Not least of which is because they believe that non-believers will suffer eternal damnation for ever in the fires of hell.

Well, fuck you too.

Friday, you're a Christian, do you believe that? What about those who are unable to have the word of their saviour Jesus Christ reach them?

Should they burn as well.

But yeah, thats another argument. Organized religion is not something I want a part of, I believe I was given the facility to make my own choices and to discover on my own, not follow a flock of sheep due to location and coverage of a particular religion. That shit is just insane.

But I am willing to keep my mind open. Those who say there is no god and there is nothing after death and think they are being somehow the smartest of the bunch by 'believing' that there is nothing are as delusional as the rest in my mind.

We don't know.


And it's going to stay that way. Fixing on a 'belief' so strongly that you can never be swayed to the point you stop accepting alternate ideas is crippling and the indicator of a weak mind.

So in that sense, I am religious. But not to any earthly religion in it's current form.