Troll Kingdom

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Ask The Question, Mk III

So question does not come back to answer questions....
I see....
How does that make you feel Blazer, Love and Sparkle?
BlazerBoy said:
The line of skin running through the middle of your balls: What the heck is it for?

It's a vestigial seam formed when you, as a fetus, assumed the male gender. Every human being is hermaphroditic during most of the prenatal stage, and assumes a gender, IIRC correctly, somewhere around the third trimester. That seam is where your labia fused together to close your scrotum.
Love Child said:
Why do I have lesbian dreams even tho I've never been with a woman and prefer men?

Because maybe you only prefer men. If being with men is something you instinctively think of as a matter of preference, rather than a matter of course, then you're probably bi-curious but reluctant to accept or explore it.
Harkley said:
What type of cheese did I just eat?

How the hell should I know, did I fuckin' sell it to ya? Ask me questions I have a reasonable chance of knowing the answers to.

Or, if that doesn't do it for ya --

*shakes around like a wild man*

"My Sources Say No."
MessengerX said:
What's this discolouration, and what's it doing THERE!?

You can't drink that. And that's NEVER going to come out of those boxers now, no matter how many times you run 'em through the machine. Go buy new ones, don't try to use Windex as a cocktail mixer anymore, and speak of this to no one.
If you can still feel the clips 20 years after the operation, is that a bad thing?