Troll Kingdom

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Attn: GrandTheftCow


New member
GTC...........if you are EggsMayo I cannot begin to tell you how awful I feel for you right now. You see.............I have just been guessing who all of your duals are because my lawyer hasn't told me not that it would be important to him because he wouldn't know what a dual is. I think he has turned that part over to a used-car salesman to investigate.
If he can't get to the bottom of things.........I am sending in my real estate salesman~Jack Daniel~~to see what he can bullshit out of everyone.
FederalAgent007 said:
I think he has turned that part over to a used-car salesman to investigate.

You know what this guy had the nerve to say to me?????

" are moving???? well..............keep in touch, let us know where you go"

*Jillian looks at all you guys like you are big turd logs*
Add this to the JillianBacardi Troll Manuel GTC.........

remember when CU used to say all of you should pay attention.............maybe you could learn sumthin' from me??? learn sumthin' from my great TROLLING skillz???????

Put this in the manuel.

Sooooooooo...............Jillian has been trying to figure out who Coyote Ugly is which is why she got InfoPursuit to do a little cyberinvestigating. Tip-off 1.........after giving them info on CU, the owner called me and axed why I was wanting all this info about all these people??????? I told him.............there are stalkers after me on the internet and I want to know who they are!!!!!!!! Just do what I paid you to do and axe me no questions, I will tell you no lies!!!!!!!

He sent all the info on everyone but CU...........he gave sketchy details on his whereabouts and what he does, what his name is.

sooooooooooo...................I posted.........with CU was the first person to recognize the "problem" on this board which told me he was above-average intel and was not easily bullshitted. Then he tried to stop the harassment before it escalated to the point of me being arrested...........he seemed like an OK guy. Then I started spamming him with stuff and he "nicked"......or something like that (whatever Mentalist said before my court date)...........and another red flag went up.

soooooooooo.................somebody fell for it and made Sarek and EggsMayo admins here.

*Jillian stands here looking at all of you all cukoo-eyed and everything*
I always liked that he would try to sneak me duals and everything so I could post on the board!!!! I usually made it 24 hours before being rounded up and put back in prison.
Cuckoo_clock.gif with me Sarek??? you following me?? cause I can dumb this whole thing down more than I already have.


Lets Focus on:

the dla
the CIA
dirty Generals and their lame-ass kids
lame-ass drama queen wives and girlfriends
Homeland Security
ATF..........they might not be able to take away our guns but they control the ammunition~~Food for Thought.
FBI.............where the hell are you guys anyway????