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AttN: Jack


New member
I take back everything mean I ever said to you.

The Mod Squad

I guess it would make sense.........Me, You, messenger. We are the only people who are not allowed on Shattered Corpse.

Everyone else can get in over there.

It's not about the East or West
Its about Niggas and Spics
power and corruption
post counts and money

I know who's side I am on ...................NOw.

Jack, messenger, JillianBacardi
I know whose posts to read now.

Make no mistake you guys, I will ask to read the statements you have made to the feds. I know how dirty you have been so far...........I know you will lie just like Dawn tried to.

Good try though. Oh..........Jennifer!! the Reyes part threw me off. You are married to a dirty Spic.
Aint' nothing like a bunch of dirty racist nigga's and spics trying to take down a white woman.

LIke I told you............I learned from the best........SistaSista's. They have been abused by Black men, white men, white nigga's, spics, cunts, dirty whores. This is hilarious.

I know you guys hate this board was taken down 8/5/05. did anyone ever find the threads from that date??? lol.................Sardy knows where they are. So does Red. This would be a great time for Kurt to make some money but I know how much he hates you guys after you tried to set him up the way you tried to set me up.............unfortunately for him, he got caught with his pants down. Me, on the other hand..........I am clean, I have nothing to hide...............I HAVE BEEN BEGGING TO COME OUT WITH ALL OF THIS. DAMN!!! I ALWAYS THOUGHT IT WOULD BE EASIER TO GET THE FEDS TO SUBPOENA A PERSON..........ESPECIALLY WITH ALL THE WILD, CRAZY, BIZZARE ACCUSATIONS I HAVE BEEN MAKING ABOUT US REPS, THE MILITARY, FEDERAL AGENCIES.

LOL!!! you are a dirtbag spic Jennifer Reyes from San Antonio.
I am glad I never did anything irrational like press charges against the meltdowns I experienced. Call in your favor.............I have a feeling I know what it will be.

Maybe not.........
I can deliver the final smackdown myself, but if you guys want to see a lethal will take the three of us to do major damage.

If injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.
Tell THE CRIPPLE he will wish he is dead when I am finished with him. He is the most vile of the whole bunch.

Greases the Wheels of the Chair

*Spits on Mike, shoves him off the cliff*