Troll Kingdom

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ATTN: The Question


New member
Last year, before Eric and Brian created a criminal record on me with the help of the government, I would have sworn you were Brian. You two sounded just alike..........still do.

I cannot decide who the biggest fuck ups on this board are:

The Question
Anyway, to those of you who are puzzled by this whole thing..........BlackFeathers (law enforcement) was sent over here to investigate a millionaire Canadian dad who wasn't gainfully employed and they couldn't figure out how he got to be so rich. Millionaire Canadian dad's son, Saint Lucifer, showed up on the board to stalk and harass me after The Question told him I was here. They all started harassing the shit out of me, pretending Eric and Brian weren't on the board and when Cait's suggestion of filing libel charges against me failed (I was telling the truth and could prove it) they all agreed more drastic measures needed to be taken. I yelled and screamed and tried to convince the thug, BlackFeathers, who had taken over this board and made Brian an administrator............that I am not the criminal!!!!! The criminal is the person you just made an administrator. When that didn't work.............

I had to set a big RAT trap with a lot of government cheese on it to catch all four of them. As you can imagine, the next morning I found all four in the same trap. I put on surgical gloves and threw them in the garbage. Weeeelllllll.............they all chewed off their legs, Brian chewed off BlackFeathers dick and they freed themselves, came back to TrollKingdom, stole the money-making machine, created criminal charges against me and ran off to count their money, smell it their dirty money, roll around in it, buy $200,000 condos on the golf course, 18-wheeler trucks, Jeeps, women, booze and drugs.

This pissed JillianBacardi off to no end and she started contacting the agencies who employed the two government workers. They stuck their heads in their asses and the more I hammered on them, the further up their asses their heads went.

Now I am having to go to even MORE expense to hire a tow truck to pull their heads out.

Can you believe this shit????? no pun intended.
nope it means my head was tilting to one side with just one earring, so I got both done to keep my head level
Plus it's easier to buy a pair of earrings as opposed to one