Troll Kingdom

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Awww, Petie wuvs me!


I love this place
He's been trying to make sure every single post I've made on this board has a frownie face from him. It looks like he's spent several hours just searching for my posts and putting frownies on them.

Isn't that sweet?

I'm on it, TJ!

Give me a few.

Just to know...;)

Besides, us liberal North Carolinians need to stick together... ;)
Well some people can't stand having nothing to do.

He ought to find another hobby however.
The Question said:
Almost as sweet as you making a whole thread devoted to it.
But really, nothing on the time involved. Really, it seems like I should feel guilty about how much more time he's willing to put into our relationship than I am.

:cry: :lol:
Yeah when the relationship doesn't even pretend to be roughly 50/50 it's time to explore other options.

How goes NS?
TJHairball said:
But really, nothing on the time involved. Really, it seems like I should feel guilty about how much more time he's willing to put into our relationship than I am.

:cry: :lol:


The 15 minutes or so that it took to negrep you was definitely a serious investment of time.

My coffee was jealous because it only took me 11 minutes to drink it.
Peter Octavian said:

The 15 minutes or so that it took to negrep you was definitely a serious investment of time.

My coffee was jealous because it only took me 11 minutes to drink it.
I know it took more than 15 minutes, because I saw the log.

You must've been having fun. Time flies when you're having fun.
