It is Chaddee's opinion and she had a right to her point of view.
People have argued over the abortion issue for a lot longer than
Roe v. Wade. In ancient times, there was always someone who would assist a woman to rid herself of her pregnancy, or prevent one. Usually it was only the very wealthy who could afford these services and it always involved dangerous or useless methods.
We kill perfect adult human specimens all the time; capital punishment, wars, shootouts with the police (as with Star's sad tale of woe about his "uncle" being shot for brandishing his fire arm :roll
As to women having an abortion, for whatever reason, it is a perfectly legal medical procedure, unlike in the past when women died or were rendered barren from unsanitary and dangerous procedures performed in secret. Women risked their lives, great physical pain, public shame, excomunication from their church, and prison to have an abortion. So if anyone thinks that a change in the law will end abortions, think again.
Roe v. Wade will not end abortions, but only revert the matter to the states for a state-by-state change in the law.
Women will continue to seek abortions, legal or illegal, as they have for countless years. The only thing that happens when you make abortion illegal again is to push it back into hiding, or force women into dangerous alternatives, or to travel to foreign countries that allow abortions.
I tend to leave the question about legal abortion in the hands of a woman and her doctor, not the politicians who bend and sway to the masses at re-election time, or the religious fanatics who would be perfectly happy to burn women at the stake, or to moralist who wish to foist their ideals onto others.
As to whether or not a fetus has a soul, this is another unanswerable question along the lines of "how many angels can dance on the head of a pin", and one based in religion.
Humans have always has been self-medicating creatures, and they also seems to require some sort of religion to explain the meaning of life. These two things have really screwed us up over the centuries.