Forever Empress E
You like making things.
Do you like musical instruments?
Do you like working with wood?
You might like making mountain dulcimers and bowed psaltrys. Whenever I go looking for them, I find the more affordable ones are made by some person at home and for most amateurs they are just fine. A decent priced bowed psaltry would sell well at the ren-faires too. You could dress up like a Scotsman, get drunk, and make some money while staring at all the girls walking around with jiggly bits thanks to bustiers and corsets.
Do you like musical instruments?
Do you like working with wood?
You might like making mountain dulcimers and bowed psaltrys. Whenever I go looking for them, I find the more affordable ones are made by some person at home and for most amateurs they are just fine. A decent priced bowed psaltry would sell well at the ren-faires too. You could dress up like a Scotsman, get drunk, and make some money while staring at all the girls walking around with jiggly bits thanks to bustiers and corsets.