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I'm glad I called her "pretentious" in my opening post. I've been disliking her more and more for the last week, but tonight's insane rant about science fiction being "evil" and breaking up families(!?!??!) and the moon landings being fake have confirmed that she's a fucking retard (but a well spoken one) as well as a bitch.
She didn't seem to feel anything at all on her interview or Big Mouth other than confusion at the hatred. Those eyelashes looked bloody awful too.
Pretentious hippy chick type. Seemed nice enough. Obviously they want a romance with Freddy...

She WAS pretentious in that she wasn't really a hippy and only had a superficial understanding of hippy philosophy. She just liked the clothes. I thought at first she he potential to be a bit annoying, but I don't think anyone could have prediction how she turned out (except Tom.)

Looking back there were early clues. When her and Kenneth were arguing she provoked him further in the garden afterwards by commenting "nice shoes". After he "threatened" her she ran to the Diary Room and talked about wht a "horrible horrible man" she was and how she was "really upset". At the time everyone cheered this because Ken was such a twat, but looking back you've got to wonder if she was trying to set him up. I certainly don't believe she REALLY thought he was threatening to have her killed.

Then there was the way she just completely turned on her "best friend" Noirin after Isaac came in. Yes, Noirin acted appallingly, but it showed how much friendships mean to Bea and how quickly she can drop people. She enjoyed being vindicitive with the "Team Marcus" t-shirt and arguing with Noiring even after Siavash told her not to.

Then there was poor thick David who she accused of "bullying" her. But again some people were still making excuses as so far she'd only picked on "villains" like Ken, Lisa and Noirin.

Then she completely turned on Freddie for reasons I STILL don't understand.

Seriously, what was she thinking? They seemed to be friends and even if that was only because she knew he was popular on the outside she seemed smart enough to know that the public weren't going to support a vendetta against him. But she turned into a total out and out psycho! I don't think it was part of a gameplan, I think she really is just a bit insane. There's somethig wrong in her head. If anyone's a sociopath it's Bea, not Kenny.

I loved it when Marcus told her straight that she'd be hated on the outside fore being "mindlessly horrible" to Freddie and she pretended to cry and ran to the DR to tell BB he was "bullying" her (right after saying "you can dish it out but you can't take it!) It didn't matter what she did after that, she had self destructed. The later aguments with David and Rodrigo were just the icing on the big bitchy cake.

Maybe she can be saved by years of therapy, but I would hope all the other housemates stay well clear of her now BB is over...or risk waking up with a knife in their back.