Since WordInterrupted seems to lack the integrity to tackle the AIPAC issue -- instead preferring to dismiss Israeli influence in the U.S. political system as a "nutty conspiracy theory" without examining any of the evidence -- I'll present the evidence myself.
A list of AIPAC contributions to U.S. representatives during the 1999-2000 election cycle.
Article on AIPAC's espionage activities in the U.S.
Anti-Defamation League exercises influence over law enforcement. Let's take notice of the fact that neither Jewish-on-Gentile crime (such as those engaged in by acknowledged terrorist groups such as the JDL) nor non-white on white crime are addressed. This bias, as well as an essentially religious group's influence on a government institution, are pretty clear.
A list of AIPAC contributions to U.S. representatives during the 1999-2000 election cycle.
Article on AIPAC's espionage activities in the U.S.
Anti-Defamation League exercises influence over law enforcement. Let's take notice of the fact that neither Jewish-on-Gentile crime (such as those engaged in by acknowledged terrorist groups such as the JDL) nor non-white on white crime are addressed. This bias, as well as an essentially religious group's influence on a government institution, are pretty clear.