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He's actually pretty cool on the live feed. He's very laid back and doesn't try to speak over everyone in group situations like the rest, but when he does talk to someone one on one he's very charming and quite funny. I like him.
What's with the hair? Jaysus. I need to see if he loosens up on the feeds, because he seems way too up his own ass in the interviews as he entered the house.

(Yes I'm commenting as I'm watching a download of the show and there's still two-thirds to go)
I'm really liking him in the house so far. He's very good at talking to people one on one and seems to be charming all the girls (he was getting a casual head massage from the Irish one.)
I don't know about the feeds, but he seems to be so preoccupied with the boos on Day 1, and the way he babbles on in his posh accent is getting on my nerves.

"I miss having real conversations" -- IT'S BEEN ONE DAY you bit of piffle.
Here's my problem with him -- he treats every trivial question posed to him like he's being called upon to give the answer for world peace.

"What time is it?"
"That's the thing isn't it, people need to know the time all the time, it's such a cyclical need in this world--"

Shut up you posh twat. ;)
I hadn't read the bios at the official website:
Tory boy Benjamin has already had a taste of fame starring on American Princess and Ladette to Lady, in fact he admits he'd do anything to avoid the standard nine to five job. He currently spends his time taking extra roles for TV and has written diary pieces for the Mail on Sunday and the Daily Telegraph.

As well as insisting he's not posh Ben claims to only be 27 and is adamant people should believe this. He's prone to lying as 'it makes life more interesting' and once told friends and family that he was going to Egypt to work on a book but in fact he was taken on a free holiday by a professor.

He is single but says he is currently involved with two people who are already in relationships, which he is supposed to be keeping schtum about. His biggest secret is that he once had a relationship with a beautiful 18-year-old before being seduced by her mother.

He's extremely passionate about politics and obsessed with the Middle East, wishing he was an Arab. He claims a harem of Arab girls would improve his home life as not only are they beautiful but they would also look after him.

Ben claims to not know a lot about Big Brother and hasn't told anyone he applied for fear of judgement from his friends and family. If he could take one luxury item into the house it would be a competent hairdresser and stylist.
How much of this is supposed to be true and how much is crap for laughs? If it's all supposed to be true, then he's twice the knob I already thought he was.
It's all supposed to be true, but yeah, I'm sure the contestants "fluff up their resumés" a little during audition process to make themselves seem more interesting.
Definitely got a new found respect for Shabby having to listen to him witter on all afternoon. What a nightmare.