Viewing this makes me revisit some ideas I've had in the past. Mainly that in the centuries former slaves have been in the United States, they have developed their own culture here.
Surely this assertation is undeniable? Blacks have formed communities of their own. Some positive, some negative. I do recall the case of Tom Metzger being forced to live, as a well-known White Nationalist/Supremacist, in a black neighborhood. IIRC he and Loius Farrakhan shook hands at one particular rally. Two extremes meet on the common ground that extreme change must take place in order to ensure the racial and cultural integrity of both of the groups they represent.
The above reinforces my idea that 'compromises' among ideologies, cultures, religions, races, ethnicities, histories, regions, dialects, are an oppression forced upon groups of humans who have no say on the matter. Look at the US... Two huge idelogical differences separated by common geography yet forced to conform to a single, all-encompassing governmental standard in terms of common laws, foreign policy and taxation.
It is in my experience that only the most hopeless, radical, and sadistic organizations claiming to be for the advancement of the White race are presented to us in the media.
The sentiment among the more rational, openly pro-White groups is: "You have your living space. Can't we have ours?" This statement is apparently something which black extremists can identify with.
All this being stated, I'd like to ask you: What do you know of the real Black Culture in the United States? It is one which has had to fend for itself. And if you watch the Chris Rock video I linked to at the top, one which has had to struggle against the monopolization and exploitation by big business which hopes to cash in on cultural cliches.
I want you to watch what I'm about to present very carefully. I want you to tell me that this is what honest blacks struggled for when they wanted to not have to sit at the back of the bus:
Lumpenproletariat. The absolute scum of the Earth are elevated to the status of cultural kings, yet for me to point out this BS is considered racist.
The artist you see rapping before you if you clicked the link wasn't poor. He had horrible circumstances to be raised in during his childhood, yes, but he is not a hero.
Sad? Yes. Admirable? Perhaps. Desirable? Hell no.
Blacks, stop permitting the worst examples of your culture, race, ethnicity, to be promoted like this, and maybe whites won't be afraid to look behind their shoulders at ATMs.
Surely this assertation is undeniable? Blacks have formed communities of their own. Some positive, some negative. I do recall the case of Tom Metzger being forced to live, as a well-known White Nationalist/Supremacist, in a black neighborhood. IIRC he and Loius Farrakhan shook hands at one particular rally. Two extremes meet on the common ground that extreme change must take place in order to ensure the racial and cultural integrity of both of the groups they represent.
The above reinforces my idea that 'compromises' among ideologies, cultures, religions, races, ethnicities, histories, regions, dialects, are an oppression forced upon groups of humans who have no say on the matter. Look at the US... Two huge idelogical differences separated by common geography yet forced to conform to a single, all-encompassing governmental standard in terms of common laws, foreign policy and taxation.
It is in my experience that only the most hopeless, radical, and sadistic organizations claiming to be for the advancement of the White race are presented to us in the media.
The sentiment among the more rational, openly pro-White groups is: "You have your living space. Can't we have ours?" This statement is apparently something which black extremists can identify with.
All this being stated, I'd like to ask you: What do you know of the real Black Culture in the United States? It is one which has had to fend for itself. And if you watch the Chris Rock video I linked to at the top, one which has had to struggle against the monopolization and exploitation by big business which hopes to cash in on cultural cliches.
I want you to watch what I'm about to present very carefully. I want you to tell me that this is what honest blacks struggled for when they wanted to not have to sit at the back of the bus:
Lumpenproletariat. The absolute scum of the Earth are elevated to the status of cultural kings, yet for me to point out this BS is considered racist.
The artist you see rapping before you if you clicked the link wasn't poor. He had horrible circumstances to be raised in during his childhood, yes, but he is not a hero.

Sad? Yes. Admirable? Perhaps. Desirable? Hell no.
Blacks, stop permitting the worst examples of your culture, race, ethnicity, to be promoted like this, and maybe whites won't be afraid to look behind their shoulders at ATMs.