There's nothing wrong with being vigilant, Sarek. Tyranny doesn't usually come about because the government seizes power, rather it comes about because people GIVE the government power. They buy into the scare stories and propaganda from the State, they gladly hand over liberties a bit at a time in exchange for the promise of safety. A disturbing number of people actually swallow the line "I'm not doing anything wrong, so I have nothing to fear from the government." Or my personal favorite, in light of CISPA and other such schemes: "If the government wants to listen to my calls and read my emails, fine with me, I'm not doing anything wrong. They can read my recipes and letters to my grandkids." I die a little bit inside when I hear otherwise intelligent people say things like that.
You're right. There is nothing wrong with being vigilant. But what I listened to all day was nothing more than extreme rhetoric, lies, political maneuvering, and fear mongering.
I can sum up my entire listening experience today in four simple sentences.
1. It's ALL liberals faults. - Sean Hannity and Jason Lewis.
2. Buy more assault weapons! Buy more bullets! Buy more high capacity magazines! If I was in Boston I'd want then to protect MY family!- Sean Hannity, Jason Lewis.
3. Law Enforcement is doing a fantastic job! But it's an over reach of power by the police and law enforcement! What's next?! - Jason Lewis.
4. Though their doing a good job, the police still aren't worth what they're paid and don't deserve a pension at 55! The unions control them! - Jason Lewis.
Now, I am a cop. I make roughly 55,000 a year. I contribute to my pension. My pension is factored around a 5 year high wage. Of that, if I stay 20 years, I only collect 30% of my high 5 years. For every year over 20 I stay, my pension increases by 1.7 percent. But, it caps out at 70%. I can retire at age 55. But, I can't collect until age 62. Does that sound like I'm "getting rich off the tax payers'?
Now, am I over paid and over compensated for risking my life on a daily basis for people that just want to take what I work for and lie to the American public about what I make and what I do, to accomplish that task?
People accept the continuing militarization of police, they see nothing wrong with police - who are CIVILIANS, BTW - acquiring more and more military-esqe weapons. Police being given immunity or not prosecuted when they send SWAT teams to raid the wrong house and kill innocent people. Instead it's "Sorry, my bad. Sorry about your dead kid, but you can't do anything to us." Prosecutors not being held accountable for wrongful prosecutions, etc.
Militarization of the Police departments became necessary because of the influx of semi automatic and automatic weapons that has infiltrated the streets in the last three decades. Read up on the California Norco Bank Robbery in May of 1980. That was the catalyst that changed Police tactics, procedures and equipment. Perhaps, having done some research on it, you'll now understand why. But just to highlight quickly, five heavily armed perpetrators/urban terrorist/bandits equipped with automatic and semi automatic weapons and bullet proof armor robbed a bank in southern California. In order to combat the perpetrators, Police officers resorted to raiding a gun store by the bank to obtain weapons that were equal to those carried by the suspects. Eight Police officers died and a number were wounded because of inadequate fire power and inadequate protection. Now, who put those guns on the street? Republicans, the NRA and their gun lobby cronies who made it legal for manufacturers and merchants to sell military style weapons and armor to the general public. Now, I don't know about you, but I don't want to be out gunned by some redneck with an AR15 and an axe to grind with his wife.
People see nothing wrong with government passing more and more laws that exempt themselves. A wise man once said: " 'Righteous for me, but not for thee' is the aphorism of the tyrant." Here in California it's illegal to hold a cell phone while driving. You must use a hands free device. Texting while driving is also illegal. I can't tell you how many times I've passed cops holding their cell phones up to their ears, texting while driving, and in one case, one playing some sort of game on his computer. When I called in to the local police station to report it, I was told police are exempted from those laws. How convenient. It's either a safety risk or it isn't.
Cops are trained to multitask behind the wheel. In most cases, what you're seeing isn't a cell phone but a portable radio. Technology has advanced to the point that we no longer use large bricks to communicate. In my department, we no longer have radios in the cars. We have chargers and we use the portable wherever we are. As for a computer, I seriously doubt he was playing a game as the computers aren't equipped to play games and the ability to upload software by the user is prohibited by anyone other than the techs. What you claim you saw in likelihood was an officer accessing the computer to run a license plate or acknowledge a message that was transmitted through the system.
I'm not exactly the type to be looking for black helicopters around every corner, or buying into all the crazy conspiracy theories. However, I'm not blind to the fact that it's human nature to crave power, government especially. Remember, Rome began as a republic. If people don't constantly watch what's going on, and we just assume the government knows best and is acting in our best interest, they will do whatever they like.
Crave power to the point that they lie, cheat, gerrymander districts. change voting laws, and disenfranchise voters to win elections? Crave power to the point that they destroyed the economy in this country and bankrupted the government?