Well then. The troll kingdom retard's running his shit-spewing lip-flippers in my general direction. Personally I've seen nothing impressive from any of you verbally crippled dipshits, dildo-whipped, and dropped into a vat of dog shit morons. Not a bit, and you're not one bit different. Now little did I know that when I rolled into Drool-Kingdom.Tard that many many moons later a starry eyed smurf would still be following the Peter Piper skin flute music we put on the loud speaker. And yet here you are, all n00bed out and asking my animals to flame your uni-brow till it looks like an afro. So you banana surfing shit-stain, what the fuck you got? Or is hanging from the BH rafters like a 30lb. everlast your schtick?
I am a student of the Gagh. 'nuff said.
Dopeman is some gimmicky dual who tries to be black.
Got bored and challenged him.
What a bunch of tossers.
Now, for my American comrades:
Bunch of fucking pussies who sit at their comps to feel special. But not like me, because I know I'm special. Etc?