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New member
OK!!! There seems to be a definite "Flava" over at MSNBC tonight!! The wagons may be circle-jerking around Gonzales but I think the writing is on the wall.
There is something up, I think Herb may have got my email with all the gory details in my report but I still haven't seen anything about the IP numbers and how all of this factors into all the other criminal activity. Maybe they are investigating the prison system and how criminals in prison have internet access???? I don't know.

On a brighter note..............Bud Cummins is really HOT!!!! I mean........what woman wouldn't want him as an attorney?? I would hire him if I had the money just so I could look at him in real life.
OK!!! There seems to be a definite "Flava" over at MSNBC tonight!! The wagons may be circle-jerking around Gonzales but I think the writing is on the wall.
There is something up, I think Herb may have got my email with all the gory details in my report but I still haven't seen anything about the IP numbers and how all of this factors into all the other criminal activity. Maybe they are investigating the prison system and how criminals in prison have internet access???? I don't know.

On a brighter note..............Bud Cummins is really HOT!!!! I mean........what woman wouldn't want him as an attorney?? I would hire him if I had the money just so I could look at him in real life.

Geez............I have lost all respect for him. You call them "honorable" public servants Dubya??? What a joke. I wouldn't want Carl Rove and Harriet Myers being subpoena'd if I were you either. The political fall-out would be disasterous as if Public Opinion has fallen to all new lows.........30%??? I bet if whatever is brewing up on the Hill really comes to the American public's attention it will fall to like.............. .03%

Is it just me or did he look kind of "uptight"??









Geez............I have lost all respect for him. You call them "honorable" public servants Dubya??? What a joke. I wouldn't want Carl Rove and Harriet Myers being subpoena'd if I were you either. The political fall-out would be disasterous as if Public Opinion has fallen to all new lows.........30%??? I bet if whatever is brewing up on the Hill really comes to the American public's attention it will fall to like.............. .03%

Is it just me or did he look kind of "uptight"??








I am not a lunatic, I am a private citizen who is worried about living in another police state.
I think the trend is headed in that direction and the American people do not realize their civil liberties are at stake. The hypocrisy of this administration knows no bounds, they stepped way over the line years ago. We are no longer a Democracy and the sooner U.S. Citizens realize it the sooner we can work on reversing this trend, prevent the Executive Branch from using the paper the Constitution was written on as toliet paper.
What is amazing is how complacent everyone has become about this issue. We take our Democracy for granted and don't hold our elected officials accountable anymore. We have become too busy with our lives, our kids next ball game, what shoes we are going to wear with what outfit, if we should dine out or get take-out tonight. I, for one, brought half of my free sandwich home to eat so I could work on lobbying my Congressmen to hold the Executive and Judicial Branch of our government at task.
If me and DarthSikle don't do it, who will?? You can thank us when this is over with.

Or you can have all the options you enjoy right now taken away from you. It is being done slowly so you idiots don't even notice it.
