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Bush, Democrats Unite to Betray America on Immigration


New member
President Bush yesterday said he will team up with Democrats to pass an immigration bill with a guest-worker program that his own party blocked this year, and his Republican opponents predicted a bloody intraparty fight but said they cannot stop such a bill from passing.
"We will fight it, we will lose. It will go to the Senate, it will pass. The president will sign it. And it will happen quickly because that's one thing they know they can pass," said Rep. Tom Tancredo, Colorado Republican and chairman of the House Immigration Reform Caucus, who had led the opposition to a guest-worker plan. "I am absolutely horrified by this prospect, but I have to face reality."
Mr. Bush supported a bipartisan majority in the Senate this year that passed a broad immigration bill including a new worker program and citizenship rights for millions of illegal aliens. But House Republicans blocked those efforts, calling them an amnesty, and instead forced through a bill to erect nearly 700 miles of fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Mess...this is a good thing, trust me on this. The only difference between an illegal and a legal is "permission". If us white majority people would come down off our management high horses thinking we need to get 12 an hour to wash dishes, this paradigm would be unneccessary.
Feds Working to Deport Swiss Immigrant,MCA_451_5117736_ARTICLE-DETAIL-PRINT,00.html

The United States government is investing time, money and resources to deport a Swiss man and his family who are here legally and were on their way to gaining citizenship. The man owns a business, is a contributing member of his local community and is not a criminal suspect. He embodies exactly what America should be looking for in immigrants. The same government who is deporting this man turns a blind eye to rampant lawlessness and an influx of Third World illegals across our Mexican border. They don't only condone this behavior, they encourage it. The double standard is incredible.

That's what I'd call racism, or double-racism or reverse or whatever silly tems people use nowadays which means the same thing. Let's just call it a preference for people from the third world.

The problem with amnesty is that it gives permission for the criminals which have also emigrated here illegally (There are many). I don't mean technically criminals because they are here illegally, I mean the hardcore scum.
On another note, I absolutely refuse to take Bush and Homeland Security seriously when they want people to take their shoes off at airports because of possible shoe bombs, yet the southern border is wide open. Fuck the Mexicans... that's not the point. The point is you can drive a tank across the Mexican border and no one would notice. National security is a joke, period.
The Department of Homeland Security is the biggest joke this country has seen since the 2000 elections. It was the administrations way of diverting the American publics attention away from the failures of our intelligence organizations. Lets create another bureaucratic cluster fuck to divert attention from our other bureaucratic cluster fucks.
jack said:
Mess...this is a good thing, trust me on this. The only difference between an illegal and a legal is "permission". If us white majority people would come down off our management high horses thinking we need to get 12 an hour to wash dishes, this paradigm would be unneccessary.
Oh yeah... here's a fucking jew telling us it's a good thing. I'll buy that argument. Sure.

Notice, gentle reader, how the jew is telling us exploitation of cheap labor is desirable. Notice also how he attempts to disguise his nature by claiming he's white (he's not). Lastly, notice how he puts the blame squarely in the laps of whites. It's always the fault of whites.

Yeah, the Dems will fuck us on this. I knew this before hand, because both of my senators are Democrats and staunchly in favor of amnesty. The purpose of the election was to show each one of our congressmen and senators that they can be replaced.

However, in the end, I'm afraid there's only going to be one solution. I'm not advocating it...I'd hate for it to happen... I'm merely stating that I suspect it will probably come down to it... and here it is:


Suddenly and without any warning.
I wouldn't call it entirely unexpected, except that in order to expect it, two things would have to happen:

1. The American people would have to get off their asses and actually do it.

2. Our "representatives" (who are hell-bent on representing everyone's interests but the American public's) would have to pull their heads out of their asses and see what should be obvious.

But it really is such a simple conclusion to reach: If between 12 and 20 million foreign cockroaches don't have to obey our laws, why should we?