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New member
I thought you were going to start coming down here so we can engage in meaningful conversation. Maybe we could have some political debates or something.

Here...............I will start. How much longer do you think Alberto Gonzales will hang onto his job?? I think he is crazy going before a Congressional Investigative Committee cause they are going to crucify him then kick him to the curb. What do you think?
I'm surprized he hasn't thrown in the towel and resigned. He is a stubborn old coot...........the handwriting is on the wall for him..........he just doesn't GIT IT yet.
*Note to Self........make sure you find out list of Congressmen/Senators who will be "grilling" him and send all of them a copy of my report*
I think he'll get away with it. Firing those US attorneys wasn't illegal, every president does it, but usually at the beginning of their term.. not the middle. I'm not surprised the media has latched onto it though.. anything that makes Bush look worse than he already does gets good ratings. The news isn't about giving us the news any more it's about getting those advertising dollars.
This is the end of Dubya's term........not beginning or middle, the end. You are right about the media.........all they want are advertising dollars but when you tune in to watch the NEWS and all they can talk about is gots to wonder about those guys!! Its like............can't you guys come up with anything better?