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Cat or Dog Person?

I'm alergic to cats.
Unless I'm around them for...three days, then I get over it.

So dogs, (I live with four right now), but....have you ever tried to keep the vaccuuming up for four dogs? Or tried to walk out of the house wearing black?
Ha! I say, Ha!

Can't pet fish, birds always hit the notes that drill into my head, snakes don't do anything, hamsters won't guard the house, ...

So, I'd rather have a pony.
I've had my fling with cats. Now, it's all dogs all the time. Oh, and horses too. . .and parrots. Gotta love them parrots.
I'm a cat-person, which I know will come as a big surprise to everyone. :P

I love dogs, too, but they're too much work. I'd rather keep cats for pets.
Pets my family has owned in the past 24 years: two horses, four dogs, close to 30 cats, 10 fish, and various assorted reptiles.

Number of pets we have currently: two cats, two dogs, and two horses.
All small dogs are yippers and yappers. I know, I used to raise Chihuahuas and Lasa Apsos. But the biggest cowards are the Dobermans.
Seriously, I've had all kinds of pets. I like cats for the low maintenance aspect, but dogs are more fun to wrassle and play with. Cats are fun to mess with because they're so high-strung.
I like em both, but right now I have a cat and tony has two rats......that I hate...I want to let them out so kitty can play with them...:devious: