I want to smell dark matter
RACISM will be ended forever by voting to evict Jade Goody from Big Brother, a Channel 4 spokesman said. "Yes it's true!" said Dick Moneygrabbing. "All you have to do is VOTE VOTE VOTE by the millions to evict Jade and racism will be over ONCE AND FOR ALL! Don't like racism? Then stop whining and do stomething about it! Buy top-up cards and then use them up voting against the hate! Because if you don't, you're just as bad as Goody. You make me fucking sick." None of the profits from the phone vote will go to anti racism or anti bullying charities. "There's no need!" said Dick. "Racism ends forever on Friday! OH PRAISE BIG BROTHER FOR GIVING US THIS OPPORTUNITY!"
Jade's mad, one-armed, racist, lesbian mother was unvailable for comment as she had just been beaten to death by Wolf and Jett from nineties tv sensation 'Gladiators'. "She got what she deserved, WOOF!" said Jett.
Jade's mad, one-armed, racist, lesbian mother was unvailable for comment as she had just been beaten to death by Wolf and Jett from nineties tv sensation 'Gladiators'. "She got what she deserved, WOOF!" said Jett.