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Cheney's Got a Gun

Not really, considering there's a 78 year old man who suffered a heart attack as the result of this shooting and may not yet be out of danger.

So no, not really funny at all.
Harry might not make it. Sure, right now he is stable, but that birdshot is still in him, and dangerously close to his heart. I may not be a question of "if", but "when". Some one should revoke Cheney's hunting liecense, and take away his $10,000 28 guage Italian made shot gun. Like that will ever happen...
Number_6 said:
Not really, considering there's a 78 year old man who suffered a heart attack as the result of this shooting and may not yet be out of danger.

So no, not really funny at all.
I'll save my rightous indignation for the children without health insurance, rather than the super rich super elite guy doing something stupid with the second most powerful man in the world, and being treated on the spot by said man's personal traveling medical support team.
If they are shooting animals for fun then something like this is poetic justice, like when occasionally a bull jumps out of the ring and into the audiance at a bull fight.
Hambil said:
I'll save my rightous indignation for the children without health insurance, rather than the super rich super elite guy doing something stupid with the second most powerful man in the world, and being treated on the spot by said man's personal traveling medical support team.

It is veiled suggestions like these that I find particularly disgusting - namely, that you would assign a lesser value to the life of an apparently productive member of society than you would to your currently favoured and fawned-upon oppressed populations. While you would dismiss the accomplishments of the wealthy - for the most part founded upon industry, foresight and intelligence - you would gladly cherish the indolence and ineducability of the most base and parasitic echelons of society. The view masquerades as compassion, of course, but it is rather disturbing in its jealousy and fatuous for its patent 'feet firmly in the air' approach to social reality: what sort of civilization will result when people like you disdain accomplishment and laud mediocrity? Would you invest in a bankrupt company out of guilt and compassion? I am rather thankful that the prevailing mindset is somewhat more sane here in Australia.
Hambil said:
I'll save my rightous indignation for the children without health insurance,

Every state offers no-cost health insurance for children under 18. In Pennsylvania, it's called "CHIP" or "Children's Health Insurance Program". If your kid is without health insurance, it's because you're too lazy to apply for assistance.
Every state offers no-cost health insurance for children under 18. In Pennsylvania, it's called "CHIP" or "Children's Health Insurance Program". If your kid is without health insurance, it's because you're too lazy to apply for assistance.


Some 34 states have adopted cuts that are causing 1.2 to 1.6 million low-income people to lose health insurance. Most of the cuts have affected children and parents in families in which the parents work at low-wage jobs. For example, Texas will end coverage under the Children's Health Insurance Program for nearly 160,000 children in working families, and Connecticut reduced Medicaid eligibility for parents with incomes from 100 to 150 percent of poverty, with about 20,500 parents affected. Six states — Alabama, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Montana and Utah — have stopped enrolling eligible children in their State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP.) New or higher copayments for public health insurance services were imposed by 21 states for fiscal year 2004; the previous year 17 states added or increased copayments. Research has shown that copayments are a significant deterrent to the use of essential medical care and prescription drugs among low-income populations, and that there are adverse health consequences when such treatment is foregone or delayed.
whisky said:
If they are shooting animals for fun then something like this is poetic justice, like when occasionally a bull jumps out of the ring and into the audiance at a bull fight.

I read earlier that they were actually thinking of charging Cheney with negligence and or carelessness at the very least which is standard in most accidental shootings during hunting season. He was also hunting without a valid license which would earn the average person a ticket, a fine and possible revocation of hunting privileges.

But it looks like they tossed everything out proving once again that this administration is above the law in anything they do.
Hambil said:
Now this is funny...

Not funny, hilarious!

Like my birthday and christmas roll ed into one!:po:

Wait until the fact that he's been shacking up with Pamela Pitzer Willeford goes ma instream.:bwahaha: