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Christians, the perfect Republican target audience


A proven track record of being easily brainwashed into believing faerie tales. "Then Noah put two of every animal on the Ark".
There are christians on the left and right.

The ones on the left however don't put much credence in the bible. Neither do I actually... You think I'm easy pickings for the left?

Gullibility isn't the common factor if there is one.

Morality perhaps.
"A proven track record of being easily brainwashed into believing faerie tales. "

You mean like Farenheit 9/11 or Algore's fantasy movie?

I do like the fact that the Democrats brainwashed themselves into believing the 2000, 2002, and 2004 elections were in the bag. They lived in a fantasy land, and thus could not believe it when they were stopped.

Prepare for Traitorcrat extermination in 2006!

That’s not even the beginning of the problems for that story.

1. Somehow Noah built an ark large enough to house two of every animal in an area with sparse wood.

2. Noah built an ark with wood and was able to keep it together. (wooden ships are leaky and creaky ya know)

3. I don’t care if you live to be a thousand years. One guy alone ain’t building the Titanic.

4. Animals isolated on continents made their merry way to Noahs front lawn then happily returned home afterwards.

5. Not only did Noah take lions, donkeys, rodents, and all those animals but he apparently took every shit eating cave dwelling creature along as well.

6. How does one guy and his family care for all those little critters? Who provided the special diets of some of those creatures?

7. Where’d the needed amount of water come from to cover the earth and where did it go?

8. Anyone know anything about geology? If you do you’ll realize there’s no place for a global flood in it.

9. Plants anyone?

10. Where’d the fresh water fish and other species go?

11. So what members of the family were the chink, nigger, spick, and wagon burner?

That’s off the top of my head. I know there’s plenty more.

So yes if you believe that shit then it should be easy to buy into all that god bless America, xenophobic, family values silliness the god fearing right wingers throw out there.
LOL yes becasue the morals of illiterate donkey fucking sand people more than 2000 years ago are so similar to western morals today.

Tell us HF whats the moral behind the flood story? That god can be a flip flooper when it comes to mass slaughter? Or that he won't kill you as long you woship him?

I suppose you're one of those Protestants who throw out the entire OT becasue it doesn't sit right with you?
I don't believe in any way GTC.

I do not buy into religion at all.

However much can be learned by reading the reason for the story, rather than the story itself. Many people wrote the bible and some of it is written well, with a clear point, and some is not.

The Noah story is meant to instill fear into the masses. That's one of the reasons it is so popular at the sunday sermon. Do as god commands or you will burn in hellfire, or drown you in a flood, or make you suck on a plague of locusts, or he will kill your firstborn sons, etc...

It's a theme woven throughout the bible.

The catholics had a vested interest in keeping that shit in there... Unlike the gospels of Thomas.

I find the morals and the meaning behind the stories fascinating. Taken at face value, however, they're not much to look at.
Ditto what HeroicFool said. The Bible is a fascinating historical record, take it for what it is worth.
Speaking of the biblical Flood, I had a Christian insist to me that the story was true because "every culture" had some sort of great flood story in their ancient history. I thought about this for a moment, and the logical flaw soon became apparent. People need water to live, hence they have always lived near water. Water is prone to flooding, and there will always be some great flood that happened sometime.

Of course, archeologists know that the Biblical flood was probably lifted from the great flood of the Sumerians in the epic of Gilgamesh. And that flood story was undoubtably based on a real historical flood that drowned the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, thousands of years ago. When the Old Testament was written, this Sumerian flood was "common knowledge", it would have been foolish to discount it or not mention it. So the Biblical writers took the existing myth and made it their own.

It happens all the time in religions to this day.
