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Christmas Service


How many of you go to a church service on Christmas Eve?

I'm just waxing nostalgic about a few incredibly moving services I've attended in the past...
Number_6 said:
Oh. I thought this thread was going to be about getting serviced on Christmas.

As someone who's been married nearly ten years, Christmas Eve is a happy time for me, as I get one of my semi-annual blowjobs (the other being on my birthday, of course).

I'm taking my niece and nephew to the 5:00p family service and then I will go to midnight mass. I love singing Christmas carols at midnight. My priest will not let you sing a Christmas carol in the church until Christmas day, he's way traditionalist.
Big Dick McGee said:
As someone who's been married nearly ten years, Christmas Eve is a happy time for me, as I get one of my semi-annual blowjobs (the other being on my birthday, of course).


SING IT, BDM! It must be a larger tradition than I originally thought.
Laker_Girl said:
I'm taking my niece and nephew to the 5:00p family service and then I will go to midnight mass. I love singing Christmas carols at midnight. My priest will not let you sing a Christmas carol in the church until Christmas day, he's way traditionalist.
Wading through the darkness of irreverance and horniness ( ;) ), here lies a shining beacon with the true Christmas spirit. :)

L_G, have you ever attended a service of Lessons and Carols (for the unitiated, Lessons and Carols is a series of 9 Christmas readings from the Bible, interspersed with traditional Christmas hymns. The tradition was started at King's College in England on Christmas Eve in 1918 ).

I've gone to a few at St. Thomas Church in NYC., along with various local churches. Those were some of the most beautiful services I've ever seen. Of course, nothing tops seeing it done at King's College.
^I haven't even heard of that, it sounds lovely. My church is in the process of hiring a new rector, perhaps once he/she is hired I'll mention it.
I'm an atheist myself, but I can see the use of Christianity, now that it's grown past its witch-burning days. If it keeps people singing and genuflecting in churches, rather than shooting people in the streets, I say it's a good thing. ;)