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Clint VanZandt


New member
My friend..........take care of yourself. I have watched you age 10 yeas in 3 days.......I know this VT massacre is taking its toll on you.

I have followed Clint's work since Waco when he first caught my attention. After that, I researched him read his book, his articles........I always make a point to listen to what he has to say in crises. IMO..... Clint is one of the most insightful men when it comes to understanding the human psyche, I am always fascinated at the conclusions he draws. One of my favorite memories of him was when he was trying to bring in the D.C. sniper.......I watched him on television trying to reach this guy (or guys).........I watched him use his vast experience and training as a hostage negotiator. I have nothing but RESPECT for this honest, fair, good man. Children could only dream of having a father like him since he is such a good role-model for not only them.........but adults.

Cho.............we can beat the psychiatric dead horse to the bones. It will not bring back the lives, we will forget any lessons this should be teaching us. It is pretty obvious this kid was disturbed..........we are all in agreement about it. I noticed you have backed off the psychological profiling somewhat even though it is your expertise and that is what the media wants from you. What we all should be examining is the ROOT cause.......lets take what we are learning and try to help the thousands of young people who are out there. You and I both know there are thousands of Cho's sitting behind their computers, isolated, mad, seething, watching what is going on around them and they feel helpless to do anything so they do something radical when they snap. We don't know his psychiatric history..........what we are hearing is hearsay............we both know psychiatric records are the most closely guarded medical records going. I used to go to collection court for bad debt in a medical office and if the patient/debtor had a psychiatric history I could not even give the judge any information except how much money they owed and dates of service..............that is it. If he/she wanted anything else he would have to issue a court order and only the judge was privvy to that information. Do you honestly think anyone has this kids medical records and will be able to publish/broadcast them. NO.
The internet is THIER world.........young people. They are growing up on the space, IM, message boards, video games..........computers are isolating kids, they don't feel the need for human contact because a machine has taken the place of flesh. When this kid tried to reach out a few times............he was turned in to authorities as a stalker. I think there is plenty of blame to go around here...........including young girls who can be cruel to young boys. They are not equipped to emotional issues the way we are.......they only way you learn is through No university, church or institution can teach them.....they can guide them, but the learning experience comes from living.

Part 2 will follow.............


you there?
^I feel his pain. He needs to use his power/influence/media connections to reach out to kids now. He has the power to make a BIG difference.

Stupid Judge/Lawyer/Media Tricks

I remember one day in court in particular. It was 8 years ago, the patient was in the courtroom disputing the money she owed our office. The judge started getting hostile towards me because I was not giving in to his POWERFUL demands. The transaction list I gave him gave the dates of service, charges, amount she owed, I whited-out the diagnosis codes. The judge wanted to know why, then he axed if the file I had were her medical records (you have to bring them to court) and I told him yes. He axed me to give them to him and I told him I would have to have a court order before I turned them over............he got smart with me and acted like I was in contempt of court or something and I said it was law. He kept pressing me and axed why I couldn't give them to him and what law I was referring to............
I told him that he had to issue a court order before I could turn over psychiatric records. The whole courtroom went quiet and the judge dismissed me saying he would issue a court order. The downside and stupidity on the part of his court was:

A. He didn't call me up front to confer with him privately about my concerns.
B. He made me tell a courtroom full of people this person was a psychiatric patient.
C. This whack job could have caused a lot of problems for the judge and lawyers at that point.

I went on my merry way thinking what bunch of idiot assholes they all are.
I would caution the media............

Be careful when it comes to psychiatric conditions, records and your overnight M.D., Ph.D. degree's in Psychiatry. Get your facts straight before you start sensationalizing. This could come back to bite all of you in the ass. It is OBVIOUS this boy was psychiatric............we don't need a bunch of stinkin' mental health EXPERTS stating the obvious over and over and over and over oand over..................The healthcare community is looking at all of you the way I looked at the Judges/Lawyer/WhackJob in the courtroom that day..............8 years ago.
Broadcasting his manifesto is a story in itself...........we don't need your damn psychiatric diagnosis. Just throw us some ICD-9 and CPT codes and let us research it.

As if we need to................ you have his psychiatric medical records? put your money where your mouth is. It will probably be the end result if you aren't careful.
I have always enjoyed playing mental chess with the Justice system, especially when they are Corrupt, Powerful Assholes. Like in TN..........

Another fun time I had was when I got called to serve Criminal Jury Duty.........for the second time in ONE year............a drug-deal-gone-bad, porkchop sammich eating Thug and this jury was going to be sequestered......I wanted NO part of that!! I listened to excuse after lame excuse as to why people couldn't serve and thought to myself.............I am going to have to come up with something MIND blowing for the lawyers!!!

So here I am.............sitting there waiting for my turn on the jury hotseat and I thought.............I ain't even going to play that stinkin' game. I git up there.............the judge axed ONE question of me............I give a six-word answer............NOBODY says anything for a full 30 seconds.........then the judge axed the prosecutor......Do you have any questions??? NO........he turns to the defender..........Do you have any questions???? NO. I was dismissed.
NOBODY said anything as I walked out of the courtroom. I was really glad I had bought a new dress, just had my hair done and was looking FIERCE!!!

Needless to say...............the reason you guys had such as easy time framing me, bring false criminal charges against me, forging criminal charges against me, committing criminal charges against me, aiding/abetting in those criminal charges, gassing me, trying to sever my head with my own garage door, ruining me personally, professionally and because the Judicial Good Ole' Boys in Cookeville were trying to git back at me for making them look like the incompetent losers they are.

Needless to say again................RIGHT I am writing this.........some of them are under investigation by the FBI/TBI/DOJ.
^^ok FBI party dude........this is a no-spam thread.

Rules are made to be broken.

Part 2

Lets examine the insanity. Cho saw himself as a Saviour of sorts........the way suicide bombers see themselves as Saviours who are out to save the world. They are misguided in the way they go about "saving" the world because the word SAVE is defined this way:

save1 /seɪv/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[seyv] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, saved, sav·ing, noun
–verb (used with object) 1. to rescue from danger or possible harm, injury, or loss: to save someone from drowning.
2. to keep safe, intact, or unhurt; safeguard; preserve: God save the king.
3. to keep from being lost: to save the game.
4. to avoid the spending, consumption, or waste of: to save fuel.
5. to keep, as for reuse: to save leftovers for tomorrow's dinner.
6. to set aside, reserve, or lay by: to save money.
7. to treat carefully in order to reduce wear, fatigue, etc.: to save one's eyes by reading under proper light.
8. to prevent the occurrence, use, or necessity of; obviate: to come early in order to save waiting.
9. Theology. to deliver from the power and consequences of sin.
10. Computers. to copy (a file) from RAM onto a disk or other storage medium.
11. Sports. to stop (a ball or puck) from entering one's goal.
–verb (used without object) 12. to lay up money as the result of economy or thrift.
13. to be economical in expenditure.
14. to preserve something from harm, injury, loss, etc.
15. to admit of being kept without spoiling, as food.
–noun 16. an act or instance of saving, esp. in sports.
17. Baseball. a statistical credit given a relief pitcher for preserving a team's victory by holding its lead in a game.

Now.............we can break all of this down and see how their is a communication barrier and how many people misinterpret the word SAVE.

1. to rescue from danger or possible harm, injury, or loss: to save someone from drowning.

Since nobody was drowning, we can only assume that Cho bought guns and killed all those people because he was railing against society and how we are not taking Global Warming seriously.

2. to keep safe, intact, or unhurt; safeguard; preserve: God save the king.
Since we don't have a King..........Cho thought the beaten down and trodden were being squashed by Kings.........aka..........the Justice System.

3. to keep from being lost: to save the game.
We know he liked to play video games.

4. to avoid the spending, consumption, or waste of: to save fuel.
he saw "them"...... the people he was railing against in his hedonistic, materialistic Mercedes types who should be driving more economical cars so that we didn't have to go to war in the Middle East. He probably thought this was all about Oil and big corporations like Halliburton getting rich at the expense of poor people who had to send their children to war and be sacrificed as target practice for rich GREEDY people.

5. to keep, as for reuse: to save leftovers for tomorrow's dinner.
maybe nobody ever invited him for dinner so their were no leftovers. I REMEMBER BEING A COLLEGE STUDENT AND EATING RAMAN NOODLES AT 5 PACKAGES FOR $1!!!!! Hey~~I'm doing it all over again!!! I just pretend like I am in college again only I don't look as good as I did in college.

6. to set aside, reserve, or lay by: to save money.
He saw the wastefulness of the American people, rich vs poor, haves vs have-nots. He might have wanted to reserve or set aside the bullets and guns, but he knew adults wouldn't do the right thing.

7. to treat carefully in order to reduce wear, fatigue, etc.: to save one's eyes by reading under proper light.
Perhaps his electric was going to be turned off because he couldn't pay his electric bill???

I look at it this way................young people all across America are watching the examples the rich and powerful are setting for themselves and not others. They are watching how Rich, Powerful people will do matter how corrupt, vile, criminal..............and how they are getting away with it. They are watching the same people try to squash and gas the "little" people. Unfortunately, they do not have enough experience, fortitude, money, influence to deal with these corrupt individuals in a more civilized manner so they think violence is the only way to get societies attention..........even if it means sacrificing their own life.

I think this whole thing is a horrible tragedy.............even for Cho.

8. to prevent the occurrence, use, or necessity of; obviate: to come early in order to save waiting.
9. Theology. to deliver from the power and consequences of sin.
10. Computers. to copy (a file) from RAM onto a disk or other storage medium.
11. Sports. to stop (a ball or puck) from entering one's goal.
–verb (used without object) 12. to lay up money as the result of economy or thrift.
13. to be economical in expenditure.
14. to preserve something from harm, injury, loss, etc.
15. to admit of being kept without spoiling, as food.
–noun 16. an act or instance of saving, esp. in sports.
17. Baseball. a statistical credit given a relief pitcher for preserving a team's victory by holding its lead in a game.
Ok..........I had to give you time to read 8 thru 17 before we continue. No........not really. I got tired of typing.
No.......I'm lying.........I forgot about 8 thru 17 and just saw my mistake.

8. to prevent the occurrence, use, or necessity of; obviate: to come early in order to save waiting.
He waited the necessary 30 days before the gave him a gun, then he went back and got another one. He also made sure he bought plenty of bullets. What I would like to know is where did a college student come up with the CASH to buy guns??? How much do they cost anyway?

9. Theology. to deliver from the power and consequences of sin.
Ok, we have already been over the martyr thing and how he was railing against evil.

10. Computers. to copy (a file) from RAM onto a disk or other storage medium.
He knew how to copy a file from RAM, he did it.......he sent it to NBC. Perhaps the FBI should check other places like the library to see if he used those compooters too. I have this crazy feeling Cho had encouragement???

11. Sports. to stop (a ball or puck) from entering one's goal. He liked sports, he watched Wrestling on TV.

–verb (used without object) 12. to lay up money as the result of economy or thrift.
he probably wasn't able to "lay up" a lot of money since he was a college student, but he had probably learned to be thrifty. Raman Noodles.............5 packages for $1.

13. to be economical in expenditure. See Raman Noodles.

14. to preserve something from harm, injury, loss, etc. He was preserving all the rest of us from harm, injury and loss because we are powerless against the powerful.

15. to admit of being kept without spoiling, as food. He probably thought a lot of the rich kids were spoiled. I would probably agree with him about that. For example........several weeks ago I overheard a conversation among three young college girls. You could tell they were rich girls because of what they wore........ect......One said, "I think this $200 pair of Prada shoes would go well with my red skirt.".........the other said......"I am mad at my mom for not giving me the necessary money to buy the $500 Coach purse".......then the other girls phone rang, I heard her talk, she hung up and said........"We are late for our $700 day at the spa to get facials, manicures, pedicures and all that great stuff!!! Then they ran off and jumped in their BMW SUV.

I stood their thinking............that $9.99 pair of Bermuda shorts would look good with the $7 pair of flip-flops I bought at Old Navy.