Troll Kingdom

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C'mere sweetie.

I have the answer to every question. I am the TK version of Jim Gamma, except I am not mentally retarded and I dont wet the bed.
Jethro said:
I have the answer to every question. I am the TK version of Jim Gamma, except I am not mentally retarded and I dont wet the bed.

Do you ever pick on anyone who can actually take you on, or is the pussy route your choice de rigeur?
Nah. Nothing that serious. He decided to send an abusive PM to a friend of mine in which he called her a bitch for sharing some information with me.

I am sure it was an act of anger which he regrets and I would be better off to let it die, but I don't have your tolerance with people. You look at people at try to find something to like. I look at people and try to find something to make fun of. Trekbbs is a freaking goldmine either way.
A good friend of mine once told me that religion is the opiate of the people. I have no idea what it means, but it sounded cool.

Anyway, most of the religious people I know would frown on most of the shit I have done, so I tend to seek my solace among a more accepting crowd.
jack said:
It is also giving me the most disgusting image.

Speaking of disgusting images:

Actually, I couldn't be busier right now, Vap. Based on your ten zillion posts per day in this booby hatch, I doubt you can say the same for yourself.