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keekeen said:
hmmmm...I think you mispelled board.
No Keeks, you have a problem here dear.
Bored-dont have anything to do.
Board-As in message BOARD ;)\Thank you, english was my best subject.
bore2 Audio pronunciation of "bored" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bôr, br)
tr.v. bored, bor·ing, bores

To make weary by being dull, repetitive, or tedious: The movie bored us.


One that is wearingly dull, repetitive, or tedious.
board Audio pronunciation of "board" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (bôrd, brd)

1. A long flat slab of sawed lumber; a plank.
2. A flat piece of wood or similarly rigid material adapted for a special use.
3. Games. A flat surface on which a game is played.
4. The hard cover of a book.
5. boards A theater stage.
1. A table, especially one set for serving food.
2. Food or meals considered as a whole: board and lodging.
7. A table at which official meetings are held; a council table.
8. An organized body of administrators or investigators: a board of trustees; a board of directors.
9. An electrical-equipment panel.
10. Computer Science. A circuit board.
11. Sports.
1. A scoreboard.
2. A tote board.
3. boards The wooden structure enclosing an ice hockey rink.
4. A diving board.
5. A surfboard.
6. A snowboard.
12. Basketball.
1. A backboard.
2. A rebound.
13. Nautical.
1. The side of a ship.
2. A leeboard.
3. A centerboard.
14. Obsolete. A border or an edge.
15. A usually large, vertically positioned flat surface used for writing or posting, especially:
1. A blackboard.
2. A bulletin board.
Ok, let's try this again, children!

"I am board by the bored" is a grammatically correct sentence in at least half a dozen states in the Southern U.S.

Keekeen, you are wrong.
The correct sentence would be "I am bored by the board."
I challenge you to make a whole new thread on this and see who supports you and who tells you you are wrong ;)
I just had my husband with a PhD confirm this..