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New member
Hi!!! How are you my friend???

well.............anyway, it hurt my feelings when someone said you should change you text message number.

I'm glad you didn't.

How would I get in touch with you to give you the Medicare reward??? If I can ever get those bastards to give it to me????
Maybe I should come up with a new one. You won't leave money on the table like the Scott did. Damn.............I have NEVER seen a case expedited the way that one was!!! I knew it was being handled by people who aren't to be trifled with and who would squash little people like me if I tried to slow down the process of getting a TAX FREE reward.
change your card or text phone thing Bob. I won't ever contant you again. I will say this.......I am more than disappointed because I trusted you more than anyone. I guess this means CoyoteUgly is dirty too.
Sorry Darth.........I didn't know messenger is The Cripple. I want to tell you and Jenna something and I am spot-on serious in this post. As you know I worked with Neurologists & Psychiatrists 14+ years. If anything, I learned from osmosis simply through being there, working with patients, reading charts, notes, coordinating with other healthcare providers. Neurologists work with people who have suffered spinal cord injuries, other words, we worked with a lot of people in The Chair either because of injuries or illnesses (MS, Parkinson's, ect...) that landed them there. 80% of the patients I worked with in the chair were the kindest, caring, most humble people you will ever meet.......the other 20% were suicidal/homicidal the later being the most scary and threatening people who are dangerous to society as a whole. This Mike Davis aka Tamar aka messenger is one of the most dangerous, pathological liars I have ever dealt with in my life.......what makes him more dangerous than most is his special forces background, his connections and the way he has manipulated so many people. He was the hardest person for me to nail down in this whole fiasco because he is manical and has shown NO remorse for all the horrible things he has done not only to me, but to others. He has been able to get away with it for a long time..........make no mistake about it. I have given this monster opportunity after opportunity to make things right and he has remained the arrogant asshole he is and always will be. He hasn't let up either...........he wanted to see me completely ruined and he has damn near accomplished his fucked-up goal. This monster needs to be put away because he will not stop...........if I cannot get something done about him you can bet I will not stick around this place because he is the type of person who wouldn't think twice about killing someone.............some people get the taste of blood and they are hooked.
I am going to stop him............if for no other reason than the cruelty he showed towards me.......a woman, someone he doesn't even know, someone he tried to ruin just to get his jolly's. The downside to people like him is they can inspire the same in their victims...........No, I will never kill, but I damn sure won't let a psychopath destroy me without putting up a fight, then destroying him in the end.