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David Blaine: Performance Artist or Fucking Idiot?

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Yeah, he's coo-coo for cocoa puffs alright. My Siberian Husky has more sense than this numbnuts...and he eats his own poop!
Two of the Guys I work with knew him in High School. They were telling me about what he was like and such. Apparently he's always been a little wierd and out there.
He should probably stop trying to come up with inventive ways to kill himself.

Sitting in a giant pokeball fileld with water for a week? Man, get a grip.
it's his third hand that freaks me out

Whoever set that stunt up last night, whether it be David Blaine or the douches at ABC is a retard. His "safety crew" consisted of a little media-person named "Kirk Krack" (shit you not) and a couple of dolphin trainers named Sven and Svetlana. Despite the fact that doctors reported "all week" that he wouldn't be able to walk or stand after this stunt, he had to walk down a set of jagged iron looking stairs with only krack, svetlana and sven to help him. "Does someone have oxygen" krack said. Nobody did. They found some though. But they strapped the mask on Blaine before turning it on. And the safety tent looking thing was so full of media scum that he couldn't get in. The upshots are thus a) abc failed to capture death on primtime for the lousy million they flipped Blaine, b) the loss of fine motor skills and sensitivity in his fingertips is apparently on equal value as oxygen or stretchers c) his "crew" learned nothing from having extracted him from a block of ice last year with chainsaws, d) we got to see some freediver die on tv anyway and e) nobody really gives a shit. He was supposed to be on some morning show today and I wonder if he made it.

Epilogue: on his own site you can buy a 25 dollar poster from this "stunt" of his.
I feel kinda sorry for him. He's obviously going for a Darwin Award, but so far hasn't actually managed to kill himself. You hang in there, David - if at first you don't succeed, try, try again!
Yeah, and the EMTs (or whatever) noticed his liver failing on the 2nd day and suggested he get out of the water and Blaine declined, saying he didn't want to let down his fans. WTF!?
Neil said:
Yeah, and the EMTs (or whatever) noticed his liver failing on the 2nd day and suggested he get out of the water and Blaine declined, saying he didn't want to let down his fans. WTF!?

He has fans? I'm somewhat surprised at that statement of his. As far as I know, he had fans when he did his street performance magic act, but then slid off into the deep end of mental illness with his Houdini worship act at death defying media circus events. Didn't his "act" in England end with him being ignored and booed by the English?

Sadly, I think his desparation at attention seeking will end badly. But, like some "artists" perhaps he feels that his true fame will come only after his death. And if he keeps up these silly stunts, he just may get his true 15 minutes of fame.
Enkephalen said:
He has fans? I'm somewhat surprised at that statement of his. As far as I know, he had fans when he did his street performance magic act, but then slid off into the deep end of mental illness with his Houdini worship act at death defying media circus events. Didn't his "act" in England end with him being ignored and booed by the English?

Sadly, I think his desparation at attention seeking will end badly. But, like some "artists" perhaps he feels that his true fame will come only after his death. And if he keeps up these silly stunts, he just may get his true 15 minutes of fame.

Well said.
I don't get what the appeal or the achievement is to the stunts he chooses. They don't involve illusion in any way, there's no mystique about them. He just decides that he's going to sit in a block of ice for a week. Um, OK, sounds good, have fun, gotta go to work now...

The ways in which he tests his endurance are, unlike those of his heroes, not really exciting or entertaining. We're just supposed to watch him suffer for an extended period, and then watch him fail at whatever badly-concocted false climax he puts himself through to make it TV-worthy.

It's time to go to Vegas and set up shop in a resort. Even Penn & Teller are in Vegas, it's downright respectable to do it now. And he's no worse than Celine Dion...