Doubleyou tee eff?
Since when were asking for admin fuckery, personal info threats, and preferential treatment acceptable requests in this forum?
Eloisel, you got karma trolled. Go buy some vagisil or drench your vag in some witchhazel. Don't come whining to the staff. Unless your antagonist is fucking with the board's software, we (I) officially don't give a shit.
Jack, if anyone has posted on TK or any other board you and your dancers have been to in the last eight years, they know your name. It's not a giant secret. Iron out your bunched-up panties and shut up.
I'm not gonna get into it with either of you about any of this ever again. So, consider this your final warning.
El, make one more "Internet is serious business" comment and I'll happily adjust your karma to zero and lock it down until I think you can take this place lightly.
Jack, et al, TK is not the place to taunt morons into doing moronic things and then begging the staff to muck your stall. If you don't want people posting your info, don't give them more reasons to do so. One more PI war out of you will earn you and your moron followers a permanent place in the scrambled password and IP-range-ban club.
Those warnings go to anyone else who thinks doxing or PI dumps are funny. If anyone is thinking of taunting staff about it by posting partial info or trying to skirt around the issue, think again. This rule is non-negotiable. I won't go into details on the rule. It should remain vague. If you're abusing (staff will define "abuse" as objectively as possible) someone's info, you get banned. Pretty damned simple. Yes?
Inb4 hypocrite, admin abuse, and general bitching.