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Dear Coyote Ugly


New member
CU........I really hate what has happened on this board, I pretty much knew you had some duals and they were part of the "pack" mentality last year. It doesn't surprize me to find out Sarek is one of them..........CU was an admin when I was on this board before. What has always bothered me more than anything is why Sardy doesn't like you. I think you have given him reason not to.........I don't know if the reason is because you guys swooped down like a bunch of thugs, took over his board, treated him like crap.........I saw the "lapdog" remark. Like I told you in an email~~~Scott, missmanners, Red Whacker started this website...........Red got caught up in some kind of illegal weapons, I don't know what missmanners did, but I can see Scott being one of the owners and not knowing his partner was into some kind of illegal activity. You guys made it hard on him, you treated him like a criminal, you made him guilty until proven innocent, he had a hard time flying because he was pulled out of line in airports. If he has done something wrong and you have evidence............arrest him. Otherwise, what you are doing here is harassment..........plain and simple. I have never talked to him, all communication has been one-sided, he has remained silent about all of you. I think the reason I finally decided if there was one person on this board I was going to trust, it was going to be him (it was a toss-up between you and Scott) is because he genuinely tried to protect me on this board after I was charged criminally. He kept me in DayCare because he knew how dangerous and reckless all of you had become and he didn't know that I knew there were feds on this board. I did my homework from the beginning, watched what you guys were saying, acted like the crack-addict, psycho-lunatic you made me out to be and was able to figure everything out on my own. Once I finally connected all the dots I started feeding Scott information so he could see what was going on with my case..............he never answered me, but I knew he heard me. Another thing I haven't been able to figure out is why he dislikes you so much, yet he has never said anything about TQ...............if I had to choose between the two of you, my bet would be on you being the better, more honest person. I always go with my instincts and I still like to think the real you is the CU persona, deep down you are a good man. If I had one wish for this board, it would be that you and Scott could resolve your differences, but like I said before........I don't know what has happened to make him feel the way he does. All I know is I can relate to him because what happened to me.......because of this board and some of the people here...........has been one of the most profound and life-altering things that has happened to me. I lost both of my parents when I was in my 20's, had to help raise a minor sister, had to put a dog down that I raised from a pup, had a cheating husband who used me, that I forgave only to have it done again.........had him do all kinds of dirty crap on his way out, I survived them all. To have someone I don't even know charge me criminally, to drag my name through the mud, to humiliate me, impune my name, degrade me, put shame on my family, violate my privacy, cost me a lot of money I don't have, try to ruin my life has been worse than any other thing that has happened to me because I have always worked hard, worked long, worked honestly.
I hope you have not been a party to any of this, I don't think you have.
Ultros said:
CU has left. You typed all that for nothing, unless you have an e-mail addy.

Sardy is a better listener than CU. When I started bitching and ranting at CU......he cut me off!!!!! I got a telepathic message from him that went something like this:

If I wanted to hear some damn *pms* woman ranting and screaming and bitchin'............I would go in the next room and strike up a conversation with my wife!!!!!!!!!!!