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Did Mentalist run and hide already???


New member
He is such a "blow hard". Comes in acting all macho and everything. Then he runs off as soon as he finds out I am trying to hone in on his location.

Damn!!! that faggot bastard is a slippery eel when you are trying to serve him. The only way Ronnie caught him is when the employer who fired him told me he drove his mommie's bright pink Geo. I told Ronnie, Ronnie told the police, the police pulled him over.

He started crying. I never found out if he was crying cause he got caught, crying cause he was in a Pink Geo or crying cause the cops interrupted the blow-job Henry......pronounced "Awn Rae"........that's southern for Henry.....

anyway........Henry was giving Brian a blowjob and Brian started crying when he got pulled over.
Reveal. He would be in violation of a restraining order. It doesn't matter, we already have it. He is fucked and his life is ruined. So is his brother and wife's.
They all deserve it for being malicious, redneck criminals who break the law and try to ruin people's lives because they want to drag everyone down to the ranks of scum. I hold the Dept of Correction liable for not doing background checks on their employee's and then allowing them to access computers to work their maliciousness. Fatboy is a done deal. Talk about the Fox guarding the henhouse............I would say he will be brought up on federal charges by his former employer.
Mentalist said:
Great one, Mesenger. Way to blow Eric's cover. Was it really worthit?
He screwed me over for the last time with the Charas forums deal.

Throw him to the wolves.
Messenger said:

^He signed back up and poses as this idiot. I guess there is no way I can tell you this in confidence, but since he's a fucking moron I really don't care.

I wish you the best.
I always thought Saint Lucifer sounded a lot like Brian. Eric is an inbred fatass loser who can barely write. Brian is an inbred loser who will never amount to anything other than being a con-artist criminal. The only thing he knows how to do is write.

Thanks Messenger..........I don't need anything else from this board, but it is good to know they are still here. I already have what I need, this would be moot. They won't be here much longer, trust me on this one.
Messenger said:
He screwed me over for the last time with the Charas forums deal.

Throw him to the wolves.

You guys should do background checks on who you do business with. I tried to tell you what losers these guys are. They don't have squat. I know it as FACT, I have loads of info on these guys, they are TROUBLE..........they con people. I would never consider doing business with them because they will screw you over. Brian is going to prison, Eric will go too. He better hope they don't put him in the prison where he was a guard.

You see............the REVERENDEVANGELICALUNDERGROUND a whacked out psycho. That is why the department of Corrections is getting ready to come under scrutiny. Eric got into their computers up at the prison. He pulled up the false criminal charge he brought against me and gave it to Brian to post on the internet. It is my understanding Eric created a burglary charge and previous arrest on me before going to the sheriff's dept to press the online harassment charge. He will face federal charges because he was not authorized to access information on the prison's computers. Perhaps he had help.
For all I know, it could be Brian. I'm sure you know them better than I and can probably distinguish between them.

I DO know for sure that SaintLucifer is a dual, and that it belongs to one of them. It gloated like it was one of them.
Oh my darling, oh my darling,
Oh my darling Clementine
You are lost and gone forever,
Dreadful sorry, Clementine.
His brother brian is the criminal mastermind..........if he even has a mind left.

Bubba is waiting for you Brian.

*I am so laughing at these losers*
Messenger said:
For all I know, it could be Brian. I'm sure you know them better than I and can probably distinguish between them.

I DO know for sure that SaintLucifer is a dual, and that it belongs to one of them. It gloated like it was one of them.

SaintLucifer............can you say Chapter 7 Bankruptcy by the age of 25????
Remember when these guys were calling me trailer trash??? It was ironic to find out Eric rents a $6000 trailer. Can you imagine the rent per month on a $6000 trailer????

I think he lives beyond his means!
I don't know the whole story. But I do know there are some real assholes around here, and that he pretty much takes the cake.

Gonna smack down some justice on him? Please do.
Tamar_Garish said:
As head Administrator here, I have to tell you
there will be consequences for revealing that personal information, Messenger. :(

You should receive a PM shortly.
BULLSHIT!! He revealed it to me himself, and Troll Kingdom has no policy against revealing information in private messages!

You won't do anything....