Troll Kingdom

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'Dirty' Daniel Hellman


New member
Ha ha. Stalking little pedophile IMO. He purchases little girl shoes on e-bay, possibly to jerk off to them, or smell them or something.

I think the people he interacts with should know about this. They have a right to know that a potential sex-offender is on the loose, right? We wouldn't want any missing shoes turning up in a dumpster, filled with his tadpoles.
Shoe-fucking is a huge fetish; I oughtta know after reviewing so many of the shitty movies....

Obviously his pecker is so small that a regular woman's shoe is too fucking big. He needs a tighter fit.
I have a better troll than that.

My father-in-law :bigass: He was corporate editor of Time-Life back in the 60's and 70's.

All I have to do is show him a few carefully archived gems from Teh Hunchback about some of the things he's said about his daughter, and you can bet someone won't be doing the Saturday Wall Street Journal anymore.

Hey, there's always SCREW Magazine, right, Danny?
Cranky Bastard said:
Shoe-fucking is a huge fetish; I oughtta know after reviewing so many of the shitty movies....

Obviously his pecker is so small that a regular woman's shoe is too fucking big. He needs a tighter fit.

Sheesh, really!

I thought "fetish" was like black leather, whips, chains and such...not "shoe fucking".

The best part of all this was, it was completely by accident, the shoe thing I mean. I wouldn't have even given a second thought until he trotted out "Linda" to defend him. She claims to have children's size two feet.

I dont know if you've ever seen a six year old's foot before, but she's full of shit, and so is he.
jack said:
I have a better troll than that.

My father-in-law :bigass: He was corporate editor of Time-Life back in the 60's and 70's.

All I have to do is show him a few carefully archived gems from Teh Hunchback about some of the things he's said about his daughter, and you can bet someone won't be doing the Saturday Wall Street Journal anymore.

Hey, there's always SCREW Magazine, right, Danny?
Messenger, you need to take a few tips from Jack. There's not one thing in this post (or the link you posted) that's legally actionable. Jack knows where the lines are. You, however, may be in for some trouble if what you wrote stays up for much longer. Being banned may be the least of your worries.
Oh fuck and a half, I dare to libel per se the hunchback any fucking day of the week. All that bullshit is smoke and mirrors. He has nothing. I've got a file on that asshat thicker than the width of my dick (YOU TOO BOGGY) if you want to compare say the recording of Paulo Keefe telling my wife on the phone that "Danny Hellman wants you to suck it", and all the CRAP he ever said about my business, my wife, my kids, everything,

Fuck him, and fuck you in the neck while we're there, jerkoff.

Go play with your comics, you've outlived your stay.
Danny Hellman has mental illness in his family, and is mentally ill himself. He has a criminal record, and is a known sex offender.