Troll Kingdom

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beer, I want beer
*yawn* Here we go again with claims the site is suffering from DNS attacks. Rigggghhhhtttt. TROLL KINGDOM is the only site to suffer from such? Strange that I have never run into this kind of trouble at other sites. You would have me believe only TROLL KINGDOM suffers DNS attacks yet it is also the only site out of many that I have visited to be affected? Please you silly MORONS. If you believe the Admins about this bullshit then you are all dumber than even I give you credit for. The problem is simple. HAMSTER is running into problems getting this site to work properly within a limited bandwidth. To put it mildly, he is not cut out for the techie work required to manage the site. Those who run the many sites from which I have been banned know precisely what they are doing so there is never a problem. Not once did I ever experience a problem. Nada. Zero. Kaputsky! Only here. Someone's an idiot.

Since CLEOPATRA fucked up at TROLLWARS, I would suggest she and the HAMSTER get together for some lovin'. Both are complete fucking TOOLS!
missmanners said:
Oh well hello dear, you're new to TK aren't you? I hope you enjoy your stay here. Have a cookie.


Fuck off bitch! I am in no mood to smell your fucking stinking yeast-infected cunt!