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Do you have the courage for this?

Big Dick McGee said:
^^That made-up news is funnier than The Onion's made-up news! Thanks, I needed a good laugh!!

Made up news is a lot of the stuff you see on TV.
It doesn't take any courage to always take the easy route on any issue.

Did you know there's already a Department of Peace in Washington D.C.? Sure is.

It's called THE PENTAGON. Peaceniks only want the kind of peace that is the peace of the world's dictators allowed to do what they want, without any nosy superpower telling them they can't oppress their own people.

It takes ZERO courage to stand up to the United States and cozy up to the world's dictators and thugs, otherwise known as the UN.

When Stalin murdered 30 million of his own people, his country was at peace. When Mao murdered who knows how many tens of millions of his own people, his country was at peace. And Europe was at peace before Winston Churchill avowed that he would stand up to the murderous Adolf Hitler. A peace, of course, covered with concentration camps and ovens. The peace of acquiescence, the peace of absolute evil.

In other words, the sort of peace that so-called peace activists want the rest of us to adopt. Hell no!

Is there a logical fallacy called Warped View? or Blind To Obviousness?

Oh, wait, there is one informal one about bringing Hitler in to a train of thought as an annalogy.
You did it, so you lose.
Europe was in a state of peace with Hitler in total control of it. It was Winston Churchill who broke into that peace, and was defiant.

Peaceniks tell us to bow down and acqueisce to the Hitlers and Stalins and Saddams of the world. They tell us that anything is worth peace. They are wrong.

We will fight the Hitlers. We will fight the Stalins. And we will fight the Saddams of the world. And as for the peaceniks who never had a cross word to say to any of those dictators? Have the courage to admit what a gutless choice your brand of peace is.

Ogami said:
Peaceniks tell us to bow down and acqueisce to the Hitlers and Stalins and Saddams of the world. They tell us that anything is worth peace. They are wrong.

No, wrong. peace does not mean being a doormat for anyone that comes along.
It means that you don't have to hit people to get along or too get your way.

It doesn't mean that we police the world.
Let them learn their own lessons!
LOL, well I couldn't read the link because the bandwidth has been exceeded, but from these comments I can pretty much guarantee it was bullshit. ;)

Ah well, speck is the perfect victim as all peaceniks are.

If you don't take a stand for what is right then you deserve your eventual fate.
That is a great temptation, Speck. But when where would the world be if all the dictators had their way?

Libya renounced their WMD program because of our invasion of Iraq. And North Korea and Iran were already hell-bent and belligerent before W ever came to town.

The only force guaranteeing your peace is the Pentagon. Certainly no protest sign waving moron is going to save you or anyone else.
