Just wanted to stop in and say thanks for the effort. My departure had less to do with Dual or the silliness with Eloisel than it appeared, but I appreciate that there are still TK admin staff who understand and appreciate just how important it is not to allow modpanel bullshit to go uncorrected.
Truth is, when I was painting El's karma-carpet red, I began going back and reading old monster threads from the archives of TK in order to find easy access for negging. But instead I got caught up reading that stuff, some I missed out on, some I was involved in, and it was all thoroughly amazing reading.
TrollKingdom used to be rafters-full of wit, spirit, and fire. Damn near every thread crackled with it. And now it's gone. A lot of the people are still around, sorta, but that energy isn't. It depressed the hell out of me so I scrambled my password and left.
This is not some big dramatic goodbye thread. I know a lot of the TK folks through FB etc, and others who migrate back and forth to TKR will know where to find me. The people who interested me before still interest me now, and to be honest I'd like to see some of you visit Jack's board. It isn't what you think, and if it was, do you think I'd be there?
But TrollKingdom itself is dying, folks, and it's either the fault of all of us, or none of us. Might just be inevitable. At any rate, that was why I left, not because Dual clowned his forum or because Eloisel faked a vacation. Gagh's reaction as staff probably wasn't enough to bring me back, but it was enough to make me reset my password to come in and thank you for the effort. So, thanks.
Been fun, though.