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Don't I feel like shit.


I love you
So, I'm on my way home tonight...driving along....there is an accident up ahead-Hey-what do I care? I have Serius Sattelite Radio! I have entertainment-no longer do traffic jams bother me-or the crazy commute I must make every day.
So all of the traffic is being re-routed to one lane-and I'm letting the car next to me pull ahead of me-and the person behind me starts honking their horn and waving thier hands-I'm thinkin "dude, get Serius!" They continue this charade while I sit so "humbly" in the relaxation of my car-
Next thing I know-this person gets out of their car-its a lady, and I start to freak a little, but am ready to tell this person to "chill-people may be dying up there, did ya notice the accident? etc etc"
This is what she says to me: "Thats my child in that car accident! I am trying to get around you so I can get up there!" To which I reply, "Sorry!"
Sounding like some 7 year old kid myself-and still skeptical thinking "Yeah right, thats what everyone says" So I move aside, she goes past me-parks her car, gets out and runs to the scene of the accident.

Yeah, I sort of felt like shit after that. Guess I should listen to the honking horn behind me.
I think this is my first time starting a new topic here. :(
Do I need to go back to the basement?
Awwww... It's OK LC!!!

There's no way you could have known that it was that woman's child in the accident. What are you? A mind reader?

Personally, if I was her, I'd have pulled to the shoulder behind you and ran the rest of the way, no need to freak out at a stranger that has no clue what's really going on.

*big huge hugs for LC*
I know I didn't know. I mean I was going to post that too-I mean if it were my kid, I soo would have gotten out of my car right there-but I am sure she did the smart thing by pulling over and not causing another accident.
I think I am soo used to dealing w/ angry people at work who lie to me all day long-that I get so, whats that word? Skeptical, yes.
You had no way of knowing, Love Child. Stop beating yourself up. It was just one of those flukey things...
Yay! Friday has her sexy av back!

And she's right too, don't worry about it LC! Smile! Have a relaxing evening! (I hope.)
Too bad about her kid. Too bad you got stuck in a situation over which you had very little or no control.

Take care sweetie.
Love Child said:
So, I'm on my way home tonight...driving along....there is an accident up ahead-Hey-what do I care? I have Serius Sattelite Radio! I have entertainment-no longer do traffic jams bother me-or the crazy commute I must make every day.
So all of the traffic is being re-routed to one lane-and I'm letting the car next to me pull ahead of me-and the person behind me starts honking their horn and waving thier hands-I'm thinkin "dude, get Serius!" They continue this charade while I sit so "humbly" in the relaxation of my car-
Next thing I know-this person gets out of their car-its a lady, and I start to freak a little, but am ready to tell this person to "chill-people may be dying up there, did ya notice the accident? etc etc"
This is what she says to me: "Thats my child in that car accident! I am trying to get around you so I can get up there!" To which I reply, "Sorry!"
Sounding like some 7 year old kid myself-and still skeptical thinking "Yeah right, thats what everyone says" So I move aside, she goes past me-parks her car, gets out and runs to the scene of the accident.

Yeah, I sort of felt like shit after that. Guess I should listen to the honking horn behind me.
Too long, didn't read.
Aww shucks LC....

Someone honking their car horn at you, could mean a million things.....

Most of them are never good things either....;)

And your not a mind reader, you reacted properly once you knew the facts.

Say a prayer for the family if you wish and then let it go.
RuReddy said:
Aww shucks LC....

Someone honking their car horn at you, could mean a million things.....

Most of them are never good things either....;)

And your not a mind reader, you reacted properly once you knew the facts.

Say a prayer for the family if you wish and then let it go.

Are you tasting coke on that finger? Is it coke?
Do you like coke?
Do you like fingers?
Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts. I know I had no way of knowing. Yes there were paramedics there, and cops, and fire trucks, it was pretty big. But I don't know what happened yet. I'm not beating myself up over it or anything, I just felt like sharing this story for some reason.