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Dor_Jan should be rewarded


New member
My buddy tells me that he was only acting in the interests of the board. Here it is, verbatim:

"If I had created a thread and pointed it out, it would be ignored. If anything, those twats should be thanking me for allowing them to bypass their usual attitude of 'fuck all, let's save face and not implement it.' "

How is it that people like yourself cannot distinguish between Internet posts, and real life? It was done out of sheer indifference, and it was amusing watching the whole lot of you squirm.
Mess, since earlier today, I've logged off from work, gone off and had dinner, chatted with some friends, watched a DVD, and ripped some music for my iPod.

You've been here, pointing your little sausage finger at the skies and forecasting shitstorms. Are you hungry yet? Fingers getting tired? Have you called home lately?

And can you at least have something factual when you start these rants? It just helps things go quicker when something you say has even a little truth to it...I don't think you're a liar, you just run with theories and speculation as facts until you hit a wall. Why not get the facts straight beforehand? You might save yourself a few blood pressure points in the process...
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Mess, since earlier today, I've logged off from work, gone off and had dinner, chatted with some friends, watched a DVD, and ripped some music for my iPod.

You've been here, pointing your little sausage finger at the skies and forecasting shitstorms. Are you hungry yet? Fingers getting tired? Have you called home lately?
Dude, I woke up late in the afternoon. I haven't been very active at TK.

Besides, what the fuck do you care?

And can you at least have something factual when you start these rants?
I do, you circle-jerking idiot.

But please, let's talk more about me. Because TK is all about me. Let's ignore the entire issue I've tried to bring up. Me me me.

You might save yourself a few blood pressure points in the process...
You have no idea how amusing you've been lately.
Glad to be of service! And a big "whatever" to you and yours...

p.s. I know it's not just you I've been dealing with lately. But since I still manage to burn you bad each time, it might as well be you...

You are the agent of your own situation. You make it about you before we even get the chance.

And in this case, your "issue" is pure bullshit.
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Mess, since earlier today, I've logged off from work, gone off and had dinner, chatted with some friends, watched a DVD, and ripped some music for my iPod.

You've been here, pointing your little sausage finger at the skies and forecasting shitstorms. Are you hungry yet? Fingers getting tired? Have you called home lately?

And can you at least have something factual when you start these rants? It just helps things go quicker when something you say has even a little truth to it...I don't think you're a liar, you just run with theories and speculation as facts until you hit a wall. Why not get the facts straight beforehand? You might save yourself a few blood pressure points in the process...

You stupid fuck. I have been saying this since the fucking day I registered. What the fuck took you so long to discover this? HE HAS NO LIFE and you are a fucking complete MORON for only noticing this now.

Why do you ask if he has called home lately? Where the fuck do you think he is? He has no job remember? He lives in mommy and daddy's basement. Fuck you are a complete retard.