Troll Kingdom

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During my recovery, I had an idea that might be fun


King of Sarcasm
Themed trolls. My idea was a group of posters called the elderly colored womans posting club. There are lots of other ideas we could do on this line. Could be lots of fun plus the regulars and admin of the victimized site would realized its some sort of organized event.
I fully approve. I love the theme.

I would be kind enough to take the name Coretta Meats. Young gentlemen may call me Coretta, but only if they remain respectful at all times.
Messenger said:
I call dibs on the good-natured, "foot-up-yo-ass" tough love wise one.

Cool. Lets get a few more in on this and pic some sites to troll in the near future.
here's my av

It will be her son who she builds up as a paragon of virtue who just happens to listen to a lot of Judy Garland and who visits Syndey at a certain time of year, every year.
Thanks, I couldn't have said it better myself.

Some troll you are, Elrod. No sense of fun or adventure in you at all.